We are doing a creativity Quake Wars Contest on our Website. You can win a lot of great prices! All you have to do is to deliver us something selfmade we can put opn our page!
This sould be stuff like
- Wallpapers
- drawed QW Comics
- new cutted Videos with own sound
- a new PlanetQuakeWars Logo
- a new pagedesign four our site
- Clansite Templates
- storys about Quakewars and the Quake universe
- Flash animations or games
if you have some other ideas, just do it!
The best 3 can win these prices:
1x Doom 3 MousePad
1x Quake Wars Strogg T-Shirt
1x Quake Wars GDF T-Shirt
1x Quake Wars Poster
1x Quake Wars Strogg T-Shirt
1x Quake Wars GDF T-Shirt
1x Quake Wars Poster
1x Quake Wars Strogg oder GDF T-Shirt
1x Quake Wars Poster