[Q] AI BOTs for Enemy Territory Quake Wars ?

(Hakuryu) #21

Unreal Tournament did a good job with the AI, even on the large maps.

What makes that work is less AI programming, and more setup in the actual map using more than just navigation points. There are entities that let a bot know this is a place to jump, snipe, or a number of other things.

An enterprising modder could probably add points like this to the game, and let the AI know what to do once they encounter them. As an example, say the enemy called artillery on the buildable bridge the AI engy needs to make. When the arty is falling, a new invisible entity could be placed at that spot which tells the AI not to go in there (unless it’s IQ is set to noob).

It wouldnt be easy to do this, but it would be much more effective than trying to simply program the AI to think on it’s own.

(carnage) #22

that is the method of bot making that is esentialy pre processing since you already have told the bots where the safe jum points are etc. this is good and could allow a lot more options for a lot less processing time however it can make the behavoir a tad repetative and predicatbale since most things they do are decided already allowing you to learn there behavour

the artialry thing could work be you would be asking bots to wait around that could have pretty funney effects ersulting in just standing still or moving frantialy. for any player to wait effectivly they need to be aware of there enviroment knowing if they should hice. wher the good defence spots are. what direction is the enemy likely to aproch in. did they sneek past someone on the way there and risk him turning around

(whirabomber) #23

Bots would be nice. Bots that make mistakes would be a lot nicer. Bots with adjustable skills, etc would be nice. The SDK supporting the addition of bots would be nicer. Looks like I’ll need to start playing with D3 and the D3 sdk even though there will be differences.

I’ll avoid commenting on why QW should ship with bots… no bots are ok… just poses a challenge for folks who want them.


(BR1GAND) #24

W:ET Was released in 2003 (i forget the exact date) and it took at least 2 years for a DECENT BOT to be developed by the modding community. Don’t hold your breath on a QW:ET bot coming out too soon.

(Nail) #25

ET was released on May 29, 2003

(BR1GAND) #26

Thx nail fixed…