Puny slaves require assistance

(Seanza) #41

I’m sure Time “THE LEGEND” Star probably has some knowledge of this, I’ll message his legendary self when I get home from work.

(t0x1k) #42

Hi, I’ve got a problem with this apps.

1/ ETQW runnning OK
2/ config.cfg & Live-Stats.exe in same folder
3/ seta logFile “1” into etqwconfig.cfg

When i try !top or display, it don’t work.
Stats are not count - it always display 0 :frowning:

Any idea ?

(murka) #43

Are you by any chance running a non-english version of etqw?

(t0x1k) #44

Yesss, french version :confused:

(murka) #45

Well, this app reads messages such as “player joined x team” and “player is now known as xxx” etc. so it will break the app if a localized version is used. If you want, i can make a quick pack that will replace the key messages so it will work and leave the rest as french.

(t0x1k) #46

Ok this is a nice idea.
If it’s easy for you to do it, i apologize for :smiley:

(t0x1k) #47

UP :o

Did you manage to do it or not ?
Do you need some help ?

(murka) #48

:o i totally forgot. It’s a very simple edit, but i guess everything simple takes far more time for me.

(t0x1k) #49

I tried to edit your .exe with Reshack, but didn’t work :frowning:

Is there a way for me to modify it ?

(murka) #50

Well, if one of the strings have the exact same lenght you could use any hex editor and change the strings, or as it’s compiled with visual studio and has no obfuscation, decompiling should be possible.

But you could try this: link
Copy it to progfiles/idsoft/etqw/base or what your fs_basepath var is set in etqw.

(Dthy) #51

Visual studio you say? BASIC or C? just wondering because im learning how to use VB2008

(murka) #52


It’s quite simple if you follow this tutorial. Took me like a month to start writing my own small apps, plus some practice at school(we also had c++ thar, yay).

(Dthy) #53

hmmm might give it a try, might be learning c++ next year at college i think