Puny slaves require assistance

(Crytiqal) #21

Would be cool to have some sort of !owned command where it returns the last player you killed.

Hahahahah, I killed $victim with my $weapon

Like shrubbot :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, this program as a serverside feature would be awesome, where maybe players with an admin level (maybe it could read the guidstates.dat) have access to the ! commands.


(Ashog) #22

I demand new feature!

Similar as to what crytical said but
!tbag : <player=me> [teabag] <player2=last killed by me>


!tmbag : <player=me> [teambag] <player2=last tked by me>

Since SD failed at implementing the teabagging counter, at least these features could make reel tbaggers happy. Ofc these must be used responsibly, that is only after you kill and then really teabag that guy.

(timestart) #23

biAtch! Ashog: !display tar
biAtch! Ashog: TimeStar <3 s BUNNIES ^ v | ^ 6 Kills: 12 ^ v | ^ 6 Deaths: 17 ^ v | ^ 6 Kdr: 0.705882 ^ v | ^ 6 TK - s: 0 ^ v | ^ 6 ongest spr

My clantag has ā€™ in it, seems to break the app.

(Dthy) #24

Worked on mine when you tried it, but im using the older version

(murka) #25

Ye, will be in the next release.

(timestart) #26

I donā€™t know if Ashog turned off showing clantag (or if thatā€™s even possible) but it only happened once.

(murka) #27

Well, i assume pb_plist hadnā€™t returned so it fell back to long name even if shortname was requested.

(Ashog) #28

Uhm, one thing, could you clarify if smth in the config.cfg has changed in last version? Because I wanna keep the old one. So basically, could you write in the changelog if you change smth in cfg as well (but I guess u didnā€™t).

(murka) #29

There is no changes feature-wise in the config. I just happened to use the same file so the values might be different in each version(like the first with config had ā€œDeathsā€ in pink instead of white).
The app also holds default values in case it canā€™t read config, but i should probably make it write one with added comments in such cases.

(johnny-1000) #30

hi, I cant seem to open the config file in my documentsā€¦ it wont let me. and i want the Spree Count thing Where ittells you like how many kills in a row u got like when u reach 5 kills it will automatically say for example "Johnny1000 has a Killing spree of 5ā€¦ it only says that in teamchat for meā€¦ i wnt it globally how do i change that?

(murka) #31

Open the config file with any text editor and change the spree var to print it globally(all comments in the file).

(w1z) #32

In which folder should I put the cfg file? I cant seem to get it running.

(murka) #33

cfg in the same folder as the program. If you donā€™t, it will use default values and in no way should break the app.

(Dthy) #34

Hmm, mine works with the cfg and live-stats.exe on the desktop and the colour changes iā€™ve made to the config still work

(pleiadan) #35

Hi all

Iā€™ve made another app which have a similar functionnality and more, but Iā€™ve not released it for now. Perhaps laterā€¦

Here is a screenshot of it :

(Runeforce) #36

Murka, would it be possible to convince you to release the source? I have a couple of things I would like to implement myself, like heal-to-death ratio and most healing done. (I donā€™t know if itā€™s possible, but without the source itā€™s hard to figure out.)

Releasing the source under GPL would insure youā€™d get proberly credited.

(Susefreak) #37

[QUOTE=lakersforce;228886]Murka, would it be possible to convince you to release the source? I have a couple of things I would like to implement myself, like heal-to-death ratio and most healing done. (I donā€™t know if itā€™s possible, but without the source itā€™s hard to figure out.)

Releasing the source under GPL would insure youā€™d get proberly credited.[/QUOTE]

So do the CDDL, MIT, LGPL, Apache license, BSD license and many more:infiltrator:

(Runeforce) #38

point taken :mad:

(Seanza) #39

Is is possible to implement a serverside version of this?

(murka) #40

Well, as most servers are linux iā€™d have to amke a linux client or a win one opening the log remotely. In this case it has to be accessible on the net.
Iā€™m quite sure Timestar can make/has made something similar on linux.