Hey all,
Im still having PunkBuster issues, have been for months and decided to post another thread to see if anyone can help…
Im running Windows Vista Service Pack 1
Processor AMD Anthlon™ 64 X2 Dual Core PRocessor 5000+ 2.60 GHz
System type: 32-bit Operating System
Whenever i try to play pubs on ETQW i get kicked for reason: PnkBsterB.exe Initialization Failure. According to some PB document i read, PnkBster A AND B are supposed to always be running services on your computer, even when they arent being used. But when i go into my services tab under Windows Task Manager, only PnkBsterA is a running service. Not PnkBsterB.
I have my game set to Auto- run as an administrator when i launch it, so that shouldnt be the problem. I also have PnkBsterA and B on my allow list on my Windows Firewall.
Here is a list of the locations of any ETQW PB related item stored on my computer:
C:\Users\Louis\AppData\Local\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars\pb
C:\Program Files\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars\pb
C:\Windows\System32 <------------- This is where PnkBsterA and PunkBsterB are stored.
C:\Windows\System32\drivers <-------------------------- This is where something called PnkBsterK is stored.
If someone wants me to i can go and list all the individual files stored in each folder i listed above, or give them any information they want that i didnt post. Other then that… just want some possible suggestions as to why PB is screwing up and any possible fixes.
And yes i have tried the PB legacy files
EDIT: MY antivirus is AVG