Proxy Mines Need Nerf

(Darkwolf3802) #1

Its one of the most known glitches since the game came out, throw down a proxy instead of firing your gun. Youll will everytime. Proxy mines arm instantly and under your feet which leaves you fucked 100% of the time. Its why proxy is used so often cause you cant lose throwing down a mine. Proxy mines need a good nerf to where they wont activate under somebodies feet or a hard damage nerf if they detonate within the 1st 5sec of deployment. This would cause proxy to need to fight with a weapon.

(Nail) #2

nope, they’re just fine

(Xenithos) #3

If you are saying that Proxies are using mines as their weapon to throw down and instantly win a fire fight, then I would say you might have some merit with what you’re saying. However they are a 90 hp merc, and that’s their only ability they have besides being an engineer. For the most part, I think they’re fine. It takes some practice to just learn to jump away, but once you’ve got that they will rarely kill you.

If you are simply meaning proxy mines are being thrown all over the map and you die to them? I gotta flat out disagree, currently proxy mines are doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Killing players that cross over them. And IF that’s the case, pay attention to the noise cues dude.

(Press E) #4

The damage nerf they gave them recently means you can’t one-shot most mercs anymore. And the mercs that can be one-shotted are usually fast enough to get out of the way before the mine can be an issue.
Yeah, it’s annoying when you get blown up by a mine, but if the proxy was able to get close enough to you to do that, they kinda deserved the kill.

Besides, not like it’s worse than cooking a frag grenade and throwing it out from behind a corner, yet no one really complains about that.

(Splicerrr) #5

The mines don’t need a nerf. But it always triggers me deep inside when you see a little proxy throwing her mines down shooting at them. You can shoot enemy mines that are near enemies to kill or damage them which basically makes them more fair. Man you shoulda played back in the day when they didn’t cause friendly damage.

(Chris Mullins) #6

Proxy is an interesting topic. In casual play she’s reportedly the scourge of terror, but in competitive she hardly gets picked. Balance wise she is in a curious place, and I’m sure we’ll see more updates to her and discussions going forward.

(One of the best things about her is explosive pancake tossing :3 )

(K1X455) #7

@stayfreshshoe said:
Proxy is an interesting topic. In casual play she’s reportedly the scourge of terror, but in competitive she hardly gets picked. Balance wise she is in a curious place, and I’m sure we’ll see more updates to her and discussions going forward.

(One of the best things about her is explosive pancake tossing :3 )

I sometimes bring her to my ranked matches and indeed, the hopping Proxy is annoying but quite easy to take down.

I do have observed that it’s the map that makes her quite formidable because of tight spaces where shotguns are devastating. Out in the open, she’s easy to take down; and she can’t even use her ability to pancake toss and manually detonate the mine.

It’s not Proxy… it’s the map.

(Xenithos) #8

@K1X455 said:

@stayfreshshoe said:
Proxy is an interesting topic. In casual play she’s reportedly the scourge of terror, but in competitive she hardly gets picked. Balance wise she is in a curious place, and I’m sure we’ll see more updates to her and discussions going forward.

(One of the best things about her is explosive pancake tossing :3 )

I sometimes bring her to my ranked matches and indeed, the hopping Proxy is annoying but quite easy to take down.

I do have observed that it’s the map that makes her quite formidable because of tight spaces where shotguns are devastating. Out in the open, she’s easy to take down; and she can’t even use her ability to pancake toss and manually detonate the mine.

It’s not Proxy… it’s the map.

Can confirm, on first two objectives of Trainyard, Proxy is a terror, you get her to last objective? Eh… falloff performance easily unless you’re a flank MASTER.

(Eox) #9

Moving to Mercenary Discussions.

(RectalTerror) #10

@Darkwolf3802 said:
Its one of the most known glitches since the game came out, throw down a proxy instead of firing your gun. Youll will everytime. Proxy mines arm instantly and under your feet which leaves you @$!# 100% of the time. Its why proxy is used so often cause you cant lose throwing down a mine. Proxy mines need a good nerf to where they wont activate under somebodies feet or a hard damage nerf if they detonate within the 1st 5sec of deployment. This would cause proxy to need to fight with a weapon.

I’ve never seen a proxy do that. It’s just that they’re quick to shoot the mine as they throw it.

Proxy is my most-used merc, it has already been nerved a lot. Mines are now useless against healing stations, but most importantly, mines are now acting against your own team. I don’t see what’d be left to nerf.

(RectalTerror) #11

@K1X455 said:

I do have observed that it’s the map that makes her quite formidable because of tight spaces where shotguns are devastating. Out in the open, she’s easy to take down; and she

That was before they turned shotguns into sniping rifles, though :frowning:

(GatoCommodore) #12

@stayfreshshoe said:
Proxy is an interesting topic. In casual play she’s reportedly the scourge of terror, but in competitive she hardly gets picked. Balance wise she is in a curious place, and I’m sure we’ll see more updates to her and discussions going forward.

(One of the best things about her is explosive pancake tossing :3 )

please fix the mine cant be exploded by other mercs abilities.
also make guardian shield ability to kill mine that is being thrown.

(phobiatic) #13

For me proxy as a merc is very powerful. High mobility, access to shotguns and SMG, is an engineer and have excess to mines. The problem with proxy not being picked in ranked is because it is 5vs5 and people are more careful and aware in ranked matches. Public games like 7vs7 you have a lot higher chance people run over the mines etc.

This doesn’t take away that proxy should be able to detonate her mines without the mine being activated to begin with. Also what is the point of “delay proxy mines detonation by 30%” perk if it doesn’t help in any scenario. For me the damage can be higher on the explosion, but it shouldn’t be that I can’t prevent a mine unless it is my own fault or a well planned enemy trigger. Not a simple throw - shoot - instant kill scenario.

Mines atm are very hard to trigger by explosions. They can still be shot by proxy if they are disabled by phantom but not if you shoot a disabled mine as phantom(or any other merc). These things have been reported for months, hope they just trying to find a good fix, but i’m more scared that they don’t know how to “fix” it properly yet.

(fryszopen) #14

they just need a health buff so when you shoot them they don’t explode instantly. That’s all

(Darkwolf3802) #15

@phobiatic said:
For me proxy as a merc is very powerful. High mobility, access to shotguns and SMG, is an engineer and have excess to mines. The problem with proxy not being picked in ranked is because it is 5vs5 and people are more careful and aware in ranked matches. Public games like 7vs7 you have a lot higher chance people run over the mines etc.

This doesn’t take away that proxy should be able to detonate her mines without the mine being activated to begin with. Also what is the point of “delay proxy mines detonation by 30%” perk if it doesn’t help in any scenario. For me the damage can be higher on the explosion, but it shouldn’t be that I can’t prevent a mine unless it is my own fault or a well planned enemy trigger. Not a simple throw - shoot - instant kill scenario.

Mines atm are very hard to trigger by explosions. They can still be shot by proxy if they are disabled by phantom but not if you shoot a disabled mine as phantom(or any other merc). These things have been reported for months, hope they just trying to find a good fix, but i’m more scared that they don’t know how to “fix” it properly yet.

Proxy, uses proximity mines. Proximity mines trip when you get within a certain range. If they were to be remote det then they would be remote mines and wouldnt be proxy mines in the least bit.
Proxy mines still 1 shot if ur directly over em which in a firefight u will be 100% of the time, the mine goes off before you stop shooting. no reaction time at all to them hence why there so abusable. Going back to what I said if there was a delay in the mine activation or they didnt activate while someone was within range they wouldnt be an issue.

(Meerkats) #16

Proxy mines should be changed into uni-directional claymores instead of omni-directional mines, for example only detecting 150 degrees in front of the mine with a blast effecting only 180 degrees in front of the mine.

The worst thing is when you see a mine at the top of some stairs or something ( ramp onto train tracks from attacker spawn on Bridge being the worst ), but can’t do anything about it because the fucking thing is like one pixel tall and no matter how you struggle, you can’t safely disarm it ( unless you are one of like four mercs ), while some guy comes up behind to perform involuntary medical procedures on your sphincter.

If mines were changed into claymores, then as part of the redesign, they’d be end up taller and more claymore like, allowing you to disarm them from the base of stairs because they’d be tall enough for you to shoot.

Since they’d be unidirectional, more care would have to be taken to place them well as to maximize detection / blast potential as they would be easier for opposing players to avoid.

Very fast players might even be able to leap past or otherwise sidestep a mine, triggering it, but safely getting behind the blast before being hit by the blast.

This would also reduce the effectiveness of pizza delivery tactics as only players in front of the mine, not just the general radius, would receive damage.

Finally, this would probably also do a lot to resolve how mines detect players, lessening the chance of a mine being triggered by an opposing player through a wall, and thereby being entirely ineffectual.

Claymores are present in a variety of FPS games, so it’s not a new concept, and would be much better balanced than Proxy mines as they are now. If you think about it, it doesn’t even change how mines are placed that much anyway. You don’t just toss mines into the middle of a doorway, you tuck them away around the corner. You’d be doing the same with a claymore.

(B_Montiel) #17

Worst thing above everything else : PROPER INCONSISTENCY compared to any other explosive ability.

Since a couple of updates, once you’ve landed the mine, enemies can shoot them down without hurting their friendlies / deployables in the sourrounding, and more importantly can return their use by shooting them which will hurt or kill your own teammates.

That’s totally presposterous, unreadable, and totally out with the usual explosive policy this game use to have (read me, compared to fletcher, and to a lesser extent stoker, skyhammer and javelin).

Which also leads to one unique way of using them : skeet shooting. Any unexploded mine has a great chance of being returned to the sender and his teammates.

There you have it : bad balance and mechanic rework due to FF-off on public servers.

For those who don’t want the skeet shooting : then we have to remove the ability to shoot them down by enemies, as well as rockets, molotovs, sticky bombs.

Mechanics have to stay the same for all shootable ability.

Right now SD has in my view made pretty bad balance choices by doing exception cases throughout the dirty bomb mix, this’ll definitely go in the slippery slope if they go further that way.

(zykeroth) #18

Guys… I think OP’s still missing the fact that the mines don’t explode instantly as soon as they’re dropped midfight. The mines explode because the Proxy that dropped it shoots it!

Dude just longjump away when she drops it!

(Guziol) #19

I only think that the mines should have more hp so a shotgun blast still detonates them but hochfir takes a bit longer to kill it.

(Darkwolf3802) #20

@zykeroth said:
Guys… I think OP’s still missing the fact that the mines don’t explode instantly as soon as they’re dropped midfight. The mines explode because the Proxy that dropped it shoots it!

Dude just longjump away when she drops it!

thats NOT what im saying AT ALL. im saying in a firefight a proxy nade dropped at ur feet 1 shots u and u have NO way to get away from it before it activates and triggers. By the time u stop shooting the mines already going off. u can have full health and the mine will kill u. havent said anything bout shooting the mine and shooting the mine just makes it that much more of a problem.