ProMod Server Help

(alphabeta) #1

We at |CrYpT| have our new ProMod server up but need a Server guru to help us. It is running well with standard maps and FTML config but we cannot get custom maps for FTML to work. Where should custom maps go? In base or under ETQW Pro folder? How can we create a custom campaign with say Maridia, Radar, Valhalla and CommLink so that all clients are not kicked when changing maps? I would love to talk with someone who is good with server setup as I am a total noob at this. Thanks!


(Crytiqal) #2

custom maps go under base

custom campaignfile goes under etqwpro, this campaign should be loaded first in the server campaign cycle.

(alphabeta) #3

Thanks for reply; how do you write/create a custom campaign file?

(Crytiqal) #4

You need PK4Scape to open the .pk4 files.
I can send you a custom campaign file i made, so you can open it and have a look at how it’s build up. (Send me pm with your email)
The main thing is to get the md5 hash correct, you will have to look through the logfile of the server, altho if you google, most of them have been documented.

(Violator) #5

You can open pk4s with winzip / winrar - they’re just zip files in disguise.

(alphabeta) #6

Sent you PM. Thanks for the help.

(Crytiqal) #7

ok ill email you the .pk4