Praetoria Mission 3: Supersonic - WIP

(acQu) #61

Tested. Found nothing obvious. Got not kicked or anything like that. The only thing was the truck not escorting when you stand on top of it (as already mentioned).

However a truly epic series. Enjoyed everyone of them. Extra (re)installed ET for this :slight_smile: Will have to check it out on a public server soon.

(Tardis) #62


i have to say, you once again managed to astonish us with your mapping skills!! This map looks really awesome!
i tested the map alone, so I can’t help you with gameplay issues. However I found 4 things I’d like to report.

1: Truck Escorting
The truck doesn’t move, when you are standing on top of the engine-crate. I don’t know whether this is intention, but I think it would be better if it moved.

2: Texture Allignement
The image-attachements give you all the information you need.
Shot1: Door
Shot2: Wall on the left
Shot4: Step


[HR][/HR][B]//EDIT: I strongly recommend you to take that download back down and rename it to a beta version.
In case someone really uploads it somewhere, you have a non-final version of your map called the official term which has to raise confusion later on!!

Maybe you could wait with putting it on your server until Diego has considered my point?[/B]

KeMon is bang on - I also noticed all the bits he has mentioned

It would be nice to see the plane at the end start to take of before cut scene :smiley:

I Need to test this with some more people but just looking at it I think the map is well thought through.

Just a suggestion maybie add a door to Allies default spawn - as you have Axis all blocked in why not allies :wink:

(Diego) #63

Hey guys. Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I have been away from mapping in ET for so long that I have really forgotten how to debug a lot of problems.

That missing lightmap stage has been annoying me for a while. I have no idea what shader that one is referring to. When I get some time, I’ll check into the sound file issues. I haven’t noticed anything missing in the game yet. I can also handle all of the brushwork issues and raise the truck’s trigger. I knew that it was low but I liked having the truck stop at the small house at the first barrier. You can jump onto that roof and on top of a few other places that way.

Regarding the plane, I wanted to have it take off. Actually I wanted to do a whole lot of stuff in the airfield. But that would require a 4th map and I just don’t have it in me. It was really hard to cram the airfield into this one. I really can’t spare the entities that it would require to make that plane take off. I am using a lot in this map. (as always.)

(Mateos) #64

If you need help, you can always ask on these forums :slight_smile:

Thank you for the news!

(Tardis) #65

I would love you to work on some of my map projects you make them worth playing .

I have also done some Bot Files for testing this map and they love it like I do I have all 3 missions on my PC just wish I could go public :wink:

anticipating the release !

(Tardis) #66

Bump ! Any News Yet ??

(Diego) #67

Yeah, I finally made LT. in Battlefield 3.

Sorry, I’ve been bad. It’s hard to get back into it when I’ve been away for a while. We also have not been able to play ET on our lunchbreak at work for several months. Everyone has very different meeting schedules now so it is hard to get a game going to play test anything.

I really just need to release the current version as is. If there is enough interest in it, I might do some more work on it.

(ailmanki) #68

I would love to play the full Praetoria campaign! Looking forward to play it!

(Diego) #69

I cracked open the map last night to refresh myself on the current state of affairs. The objective data and cameras in the Limbo need to be updated to my current objective setup. Want to polish up the readme and script so that is fit for a public release.

I still have some bugs with my first truck barrier not completely disabling sometimes when the truck passes it. And the audio commands for that get a little out of sync because of that. But that’s not a map breaker. I still need to add a section of crane cable, but missing it is not a big deal. My crane hook just floats a little bit.

I’ll try not to get to crazy about fixing things and just polish it up enough to be called a public alpha/beta.

(heckle) #70

Waiting for this to be released. Thanks for the hard work you have put into this!

(Tardis) #71

[QUOTE=Diego;392291]Yeah, I finally made LT. in Battlefield 3.

Sorry, I’ve been bad. It’s hard to get back into it when I’ve been away for a while. We also have not been able to play ET on our lunchbreak at work for several months. Everyone has very different meeting schedules now so it is hard to get a game going to play test anything.

I really just need to release the current version as is. If there is enough interest in it, I might do some more work on it.[/QUOTE]

As most lifes go there always busy :wink:

Im looking forward to putting the full Praetoria 1 , 2 & 3 all on my clan’s server :stroggtapir:

(Slut) #72

Can’t wait to test the 3rd and probably final praetoria mission. The previous 2 are beautiful and very good to play (except the gfx lag in praetoria one but that does not bother me much…)

(Crytiqal) #73

In my nostalgia for ET I remembered praetoria. Has mission 3 ever been released?

(KeMoN) #74

Yes, it has. Just a few posts above you :tongue:
Direct link

The amount of work that went into this campaign is pretty amazing, but the result is worth everything!
Impressive work, Diego! (If you are still around to read this)

Hope you have some fun with your nostalgia, Crytiqal!

(Crytiqal) #75

I meant as a final version cause it reads about some bugs about kicking people :wink:

But thanks yea. Wish I had some people to play with… :stuck_out_tongue:

(SiNRay) #76

Didn’t have any problems with that map at all or noticed any bugs. Awesome map.:slight_smile:

(Mateos) #77

[QUOTE=Crytiqal;524886]I meant as a final version cause it reads about some bugs about kicking people :wink:

But thanks yea. Wish I had some people to play with… :P[/QUOTE]

Maybe if ET:L optimizes the network code, otherwise many entities = server kicking people on populated servers after a while, until the map is finished or an admin do a nextmap.

Like Venice; Also experienced this with 1944 Nordwind 2, had to remove some entities, but my map will probably never see beyond 20 players again anyway ^^