"Post your screenshots" thread. Humor not required, but appreciated

(Anti) #61

Just detailed OOB, it should actually be clipped off I’m afraid :frowning:

(murka) #62



Oh i was totally going to post this and ask why the last one is an incomplete sentence.

(Humate) #63

lee doing gymnastics

(LeeStyle) #64


lee doing gymnastics[/QUOTE]

LOL, nice catch.

(Mustang) #65

Looks like a back handspring if I’m not mistaken. :smiley:

(iwound) #66


(rookie1) #67


That’s when STEAM decide to update a game in the Background :rolleyes:

(LeeStyle) #68


That’s when STEAM decide to update a game in the Background :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

At least they’re all balanced :slight_smile:

(INF3RN0) #69


(iwound) #70

oh ghost of ET what should i do.

go forth and kill.

(rookie1) #71

[QUOTE=iwound;420384]oh ghost of ET what should i do.

go forth and kill.[/QUOTE]

(mitsuhiko) #72

That’s because the ping feature in the launcher is clever and does not attempt to ping things it already pinged. Some of those servers are running off the same physical box.

(iwound) #73

fun with mines.

(Loffy) #74



(Mustang) #75

Wtf map is that?

(DarkangelUK) #76

Waterloo I’m guessing? Stuck in one of the objective carts that need blown up.

(Mustang) #77

Hehe, yea I just realised that, didn’t notice they were trains until just now :smiley:

(iwound) #78

its a river right? a dried up waterway of some description. im looking forward to how this looks textured.

(Pytox) #79

yea the disarming didn’t work that match :smiley: at least for me it didn’t heh

(stealth6) #80

All hail our physics defying overlord! Bewonder his mastery of the jump!