"Post your screenshots" thread. Humor not required, but appreciated

(AssortedStuff) #661

Dead Proxy doing the splits,

just spoted it in this guy’s video, pay attention to the next following seconds when the video starts playing, as he finishes her.

(Silvanoshi) #662


Favourite weapon knife, :smiley: get rekt[/QUOTE]
Christ…you’re a madman!

[QUOTE=AssortedStuff;521595]Dead Proxy doing the splits,

just spoted it in this guy’s video, pay attention to the next following seconds when the video starts playing, as he finishes her.[/QUOTE]

Ouch…oh man that looks painful :(.

(AssortedStuff) #663

About the knife as favourite weapon, I reckon that’s a bug as I noticed I had it too and didn’t use the knife that often.

(Njsfirth) #664

If you ask Wezel and Red and the guys, i was using it all the time :smiley:

(potty200) #665

So this is the excuse you are using for bottom fragging all weekend?!

(Ashog) #666

[QUOTE=Silvanoshi;513818]Confirmed, new Merc on the way!


ZOMG two girls wanted to become Slenderman’s Proxies!

Also this

(Ashog) #667

So I was headshot to ze knee. Again.

(Violator) #668

Ok, who let one off?

(BomBaKlaK) #669

(Szakalot) #670

that last one dragonball lull

(Mustang) #671

Smile for the camera:

(Nail) #672

geez, what do you play on, ZX81 ?

ugly pics

(rookie1) #673

[QUOTE=Mustang;529467]Smile for the camera:


Kira is the Best lol look like she just get out of shower :stuck_out_tongue:

(DB Genome editor) #674

[QUOTE=Mustang;529467]Smile for the camera:

Somewhere there is a SD player model artist crying right now :frowning:

Do your models look this bad in game?

(Mustang) #675

Almost immediately after posting I got a message from Bcog, he was so distraught someone else had to pass it on for him.

(bcog) #676

[QUOTE=Djiesse;529567]Somewhere there is a SD player model artist crying right now :frowning:

Do your models look this bad in game?[/QUOTE]

Puddles of tears :frowning:

(BomBaKlaK) #677

Flying dwarf attack !!

High five !

(Glottis-3D) #678

Bomba, why is your Trainyard not Red colored, as mine?? =(

(BomBaKlaK) #679

Don’t know I suppose dead screen

(Mustang) #680

Maybe he’s talking about colorgrading?