Post Your KDR and Accuracy

(Runeforce) #1

So the stats site is down, but you can still see your stats in-game. I compiled KDR and accuracy for Runeforce, a nickname I created about 8 months ago. I have been playing mostly with the clan, on unranked servers. But I have been playing around 150 hours on the pup, and this is where these stats are from (I think):

KDR: 1.4
Accuracy: 33.4%

This is vastly better then on lakersforce, so I guess I have improved (which I should with all the time invested.)

KDR=Total kills/((GDF deaths+Strogg deaths)-(GDF suicides+Strogg suicides))

Accuracy=(Shots landed/shots fired)*100

(Dthy) #2

IIRC, when the stats site was up and the account i was using at the time (De4ThW1sH) mine were:

KDR: 1.87
Acc: 33%

Now on my current account (Dthwsh.) it’s (from the last time i checked)

KDR: 2.03
Acc: 37%

On servers which display this stuff it usually averages out at a KDR of 3.

(timestart) #3

Hmm I only have 50 minutes played on my main account (on ranked servers) so I’ll post stats for Stroyent_Man (12 hours):
KDR: 2.09
Accuracy: 35% (not counting 6422% with Violator :D)

(INF3RN0) #4

Somethn like 2.5kdr/38% accuracy on my main. Old luls stat whoring accounts got to like 10kdr with 48% accuracy for the raging mexicans. Oh wait… STATS ARE FOR FAKING SCRUBS. This thread is stupid, no one cares. I remember when ETQW was worth bragging about, but that was 100 years in the past lol.

(.Chris.) #5

My penis is 6-3/4".

(Humate) #6

3.65 for k/d

Best weapons were Lac 4kpm, Hyper 7kpm and Rail 3kpm
Accuracy I dont really remember to be honest, but it couldnt have been that bad.

(Apples) #7

Last time I checked was like 1.5 years ago… I’ll check tonight… I think I’m a bit above 1 for my main account (1500+ hours played) and 2 - 3+ with my smurfs.

Accy I sux, must be a tad above 30% tho


(Coliseum) #8

K/D: 3.30, Acc: 37% on my main.

(Indloon) #9

K/D 4.27 Acc: 41% in Wolf =)
1142 XP in 30min :smiley:

(Nail) #10

Sunday, 22 rounds at 50 meters

(Violator) #11

[QUOTE=timestart;380086]Hmm I only have 50 minutes played on my main account (on ranked servers) so I’ll post stats for Stroyent_Man (12 hours):
KDR: 2.09
Accuracy: 35% (not counting 6422% with Violator :D)[/QUOTE]

Grr :smiley: The sniper war was funny on Sunday’s Nirvana but where was everyone else ;( My k/d is apparently 1.11 and acc 34% but my aim is crap :slight_smile:

(Runeforce) #12

I was there at the evening (or at least I looked at it) but it was empty.

If you feel your E-penis is too short, don’t post :smiley:

(Donnovan) #13

For Chuck Noris:

Total Shots: 5
Shots hit: 0
Kills: 6

If you know he wants to kill, its better you want to die.

Its the less pain way to go. Believe-me.

Edit: Although, one guy was wrong about Chuck intention to kill, but in doubt he prefered to press /kill also.

(tokamak) #14

Low accuracies only mean you don’t give enough suppressive fire.

(Coliseum) #15

I suppose you mean high accuracy. And as far as I’m concerned there is no suppressive fire in ETQW. People firing in my general direction don’t scare me one bit, people aiming for my head do.

(tokamak) #16

I stand corrected. Especially from vehicles I like to just fire somewhere to confuse people if you then leave the vehicle they’re not sure if you’ve stopped firing or are simply gone altogether.

(Kl3ppy) #17

[QUOTE=Donnovan;380390]For Chuck Noris:

Total Shots: 0
Shots hit: 5
Kills: 6


fixed it :smiley:

I dont know what kd/accu i had with my accs, but i guess its 2.xx and 3x%
With my first acc i have a kd of 1.7 and an acc of 33% or something like that. dunno the stats of my smurfs :smiley:

(Gradis) #18

-10.24 kdr

-185% acc

beat that

(Donnovan) #19

How can you have shot x shots an hit 1.85x of then?
For each shot fired you hit 1.85 shots.

(DrFunkenstein) #20

The bullets Gradis uses, have magical properties. <3 Gradis, unless he kills me with 0.54 shot of course! Which happens a lot :frowning: .

Tongue firmly in cheek, people.

Dr. Funkenstein