Poo poo on 2142. BRING ON THE QUAKE BABY!

(RemyMartin) #1

This is why I’ll be moving on to Quake Wars and not 2142 without a doubt given they make good on their promises.

  1. I am sick of EA / DICE’s obvious disrespect to the gaming community. After piss-poor patch after piss-poor patch and lack of support for the modding community, EA has proven they are out for the money and nothing else. Yes BF2 is a great game but it’s not the game it could be, and any company that doesn’t aspire to make it that can suck the dizzle my nizzle.

With Quake Wars you have Splash Damage, themselves a company created out of a mod community and ID software teaming up to bring out this title. I’m no expert on this stuff, but common sense seems to tell you that this will be a far more community friendly match-up.

  1. Quake Wars promises superior physics, hit detection, and network tweaking. It’s a no brainer that the quake engine tops when it comes to reliable shooting action. BF2 is painfully clumsy when it comes to these aspects. The type of technoligies being developed for Quake Wars is simply astounding. Coupled with the objective style teamplay, this game will let both skill and tactics of any gamer shine to the fullest.

  2. Quake Wars has two very diverse weapons and gameplay systems depending on if you play as the Global Defense army or the Invading Stroggs. Totally different weapons, class abilities, and vehicles will make for fresh battles and limitless strategies. And cheers to them if they actually manage to pull this off with a decent level of balance.

I am therfore here to pitch my tent like some SW nerd awaiting the re-release of the re-released trilogy! Bring on the beta baby! I’ll give my left nut!

(ToonarmY) #2

another good reason is that 2142 sucks i was in the beta from the start and its totally crap, bf2 is better than it even with all its bugs :banana:

(kamikazee) #3

Ehr… Not a really valuable thread, but I guess it can help to relieve all those issues you have with EA.
Welcome to the forums, though.

(Eddmarkus) #4


Electronic Arts along with thier sorry ass games

-/- 199- - Q1 2007


(TotalQW|Ace101) #5

I REALLLY wouldn’t judge BF2142 just on the beta, the full game is a hell of a lot better. I’ll be getting both games though.

(Sir. Eden) #6

I feel sorry for you. I no longer support EA or any of its sub company’s because if the way they treat the industry and the gaming community in general.

I just hope EA doesn’t attempt an acquisition or legal destruction of SD like they have done with so many other company’s after ET:QW is released.

(kamikazee) #7

Whilst I do understand that the game is still in beta state, I believe it was an open beta which included series of patches. So if I’m not mistaken, you could see how the game goes on in the development.

The beta does say something. If it were good, the final game shouldn’t be worse. If the beta is bad, they’ll have a long way to go.

And I do wonder how you know that the final game is a lot better. Is it because they’re saying “we will implement this later, just wait”?

Of course, if you want both games, go ahead.

(thewonderfulcar) #8

I think this poll says it all - http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=195907

(Sir. Eden) #9

Put it this way, compare EA’s “open” beta version with SD’s E3’s version and apparently they haven’t even gone into beta yet.

(RemyMartin) #10

If the beta for 2142 produces the same results as the beta for the latest BF2 patch then the future of 2142 is looking dim.

(Desoxy) #11

I see that long loading times, performance issues and some bugs might (at EA you never know) be related to the fact that it’s still a beta, but the direction the gameplay seems to take doesn’t please me at all (and this you can judge from the beta): I already see the players starting only with a knife in Betafield 3542 and first have to earn points to unlock a simple pistol…

There are also other things which I don’t like, e.g. that you can’t control if someone shall revive you or not (if you even find someone that has ‘unlocked’ that ability), that you can’t sprint unlimited (I found myself running after the battle far too often) or that it generally feels just like a reskinned version of BF2.

All in all I can say for myself that I will surely not buy BF2142 - not only because EA lost my trust when I bought BF2 thinking ‘Ah, they’ll surely have ruled out most of the bugs’.

The only thing that actually is fun in BF2142 is ‘flying’ half over the map with these launch pods, but even they will be in ETQW in form of the Icarus… I will wait for ETQW, hoping SD to start the beta this year.

(Sir. SpungE) #12

Meh. BF1242 BETA was PR stunt. Theres abosolutely no reason to give it to over 30,000 public people other than making people feel loved.

(Isabel Lucas) #13

Yeah, ask me, EA are panicking because of the large number of people they’ve upset - they’re getting worried that not enough people are going to support it.

Interesting to see this morning, 1 year after release only ranked 3,000 servers left world wide compared to well over 6,000 this time last year.

Thats a lot of lost rental money.

(madness) #14

^That’s what they got this new game coming out.
It’s new, so people will buy it and play it.

Like with every other EA franchise, that comes out with a new version every year

(TheKaiser) #15

I played BF2142 and though I misse dout on BF2, I was severely disappointed. I felt like I was playing tribes without jetpacks. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing and couldn’t get off some flying fortress thingy.

Playing ET:QW at e3 and quakecon reminded me how much SD has put into helping the newbie out. It made me want to play more and more, and I’m salivating now waiting for it.

(|_}UM{--}G{_|FeAR) #16

The Battlefield 2142 trailer looked pretty nie. The explosions sucked though. :wink:

(RemyMartin) #17

i didn’t get the bf2 message that you want to send with those movies, but i hear dancing queen, hear and see village people, lots of half naked men including david hasselhoff and some pink color. is this a virtual outcoming?

It’s more like, what better way to humiliate the n00bs you pwn than to the gayest music ever!? Plus sometimes I feel pretty. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Loffy) #18

About music: I wonder what this 45 sounds like:

(Nail) #19

I wouldn’t buy or listen to it until the spelling was correct :wink:

(Loffy) #20

It’s that stroyent-words, isn’t it? Never learnt to spell that one, yet.