Please dont listen to the noobs SD

(bobjones) #21

i love the speed. it reminds me of my earlier FPS days before i took up CS.

and as far as the tactics go…if you’ve been playing for awhile, and you play against a squad of newbies, you can easily see how much tactics are involved.
it’s also very easy to avoid the whole ‘run and gun’ thing people are complaining about if you ambush people.

(General.Jung) #22

Hello Forum,

not everybody who is not you opinion is a noob. The Quaker (example) says peoples which prefer low speed are noobs (can not shot on moving target) and Americas Army (example) players say the opposite (can not target exactly). I prefer the slower gamespeed, because a game for me have to have more than only shooting, if I should “play it for a long period of time”. So stop that childish rock drill war.

P.S.: I also have a good reaction because you will be get killed in Americas Army, if you do not have it.

(kamikazee) #23

Anyone calling you a noob because of your opinion is just being an ass, that is true.

However, you are probably a newbie in ET:QW. It is a new game after all, so most things are new for everyone. But while W:ET players are not superior, as sometimes seems to be implied by some people on the CS, they do have an advantage if you look at the learning curve of the game. (I don’t know how much you played W:ET, so I have no clue where you actually are.)
So they know somewhat about the tactics possible in ET:QW, and I’d say there still are a lot, even if it is not always directly tied with gun accuracies or player speeds.

With that out of the way, are you really sure ET:QW is only about shooting? Is there nothing you haven’t discovered yet which might keep you playing?

(EvilBaga) #24

When I dont play W:ET for 2-4 weeks, and come back to it. It seems blazing fast.

You’ll get used to high speed games :wink:

(Lanz) #25

I don’t care what games it “kills”. I just know I’ve been having a lot of fun with the game today and actually… hrmm… been playing it for a lot more hours than I thought I did. lol. That’s a good sign of a good game for me.

(Miscreant) #26

I’m a noob to QW, but the speed is perfect. I love UT and Quake games, and the speed is just like those games.

I love it. I was wrong about SD and game. They managed to make a game that is worthy of Game of the Year. I am so hooked on the game that I played for 4 hours straight, and never left my seat. Thank you SD.

(General.Jung) #27

Hello kamikazee,

I only want to come to somebodys defence, because in the Deathmatch Scence it happens often that any who prefer a slower gameplay is noob, or can not think fast and something. I know the otherside have also their oddities. I only want to appeal to all players to speak a little bit more respectful about each other. Because this thread start is not really fair ! Why it is needful to use verbalism?

(Dr_Tenma) #28

I haven’t played a multiplayer FPS in a while, never played any of the battlefield franchise and so forth… but I love the speed of this game. They should definitely keep the speed how it is. I also like the level of accuracy the weapons fire with, I’m never frustrated with missing what I get a proper aim at.

I’d say some of the classes need a slight rebalance, like how the Strogg Infiltrator is better than the GDF Covert in every way. That damn Flyer Drone is ludicrously effective indoors, and it’s recharge time is way too short. It should also be easier to see, maybe add some kind of lights/glow to it.

Otherwise, shake the haters off SD. Quake Wars is looking awesome to me even in it’s beta stage.

(SCi-Fi) #29

I keep hearing keep the speed how it is its like wet, well allot of these
new ppl havent played wet and its supposed to be a battle game and it
plays like UT with ppl zipping around like on billy whizz, its too much…

Close combat is just pot luck as everyone is bouncing around and zippin
backwards and forwards side to side and its just a blurrr…

The match is over before its begun sometimes…

If you listen to some of these you wont balance parts of the game that
needs it. Im not callin these guys as they are passionate abt their game.

(kamikazee) #30

Don’t forget jumping is supposed to lower you accuracy. So if you think you can’t hit a thing, try to strafe instead of jumping and don’t try to track your target perfectly when he’s strafing as well. Rather try to slowly follow your target so he actually strafes into your line of fire.

The Unofficial W:ET Strategy Guide: Basic SKills probably still covers most of this if you look at everything under the section “Good pattern #3: Side-to-side”.

(SCi-Fi) #31

I played quake 1 in the early days with proxies with 56k and q1ctf i know
all abt strafin laddie… hehehe

I will say this as its an only way to put it, BF2 in a way is a simulation
when fightin in real time, when you play QW it feels more like an arcade

(murphIV) #32

this game is nearly perfect as is. like many others that posted before me, stay the course you are doing fine!!!

(SCi-Fi) #33

hahaha perfect come on you aint serious, sfx is horrible hardly a futurist.
GDI weapons are so boring and dull, Strogg weapons sfx are just as dull
and the character movement is too fast.

Oh come on I would say if it was released now as it is, within a yr this
game would have a minimum amount while the rest has disappeared onto
something else, it needs balance and sprucing up alittle to give it that little
more cutting edge and feel to it.

Im sure everyone that wants this game out wants to play it, so do i. I
want a game that will last me more than a yr and keep me there. Atm it
wont, a few things need to change or i can see a big disappointment…

(gloowa) #34

Gameplay is ok, needs just some minor balancing. It’s speed is simmilar to ET speed (or even a bit faster, depends on phase of the map) which is my favourite.

@ SCi-Fi i agree with you that sfx is… not astonishing, and player movement speed need to be adjusted, but not too much actually.

(}_50Æ{_|ñeا) #35

How should SD determne who’s opinion to place more value on?

(kamikazee) #36

The one which 1) has more benefits compared to drawbacks and 2) they feel like it would suit their game.

After all, SD makes a game that they think it would be fun. If you are making a game and lose “your fun” by changing it, you can’t improve it anymore because you are working in the dark.

(Gringo) #37

Wtf do u want from them? Uve got a machine gun, sniper rifle, shot gun, noob stick, pistol and the rest. What else do u want? The weapons in ET aint exciting to the max but ive never heard one person complain about them. I mean ffs, what a stupid complaint to have. Honestly, I just cant understand the level of demands some nerds have.

(kamikazee) #38

Gringo, please don’t get too angry with them folks. If they can’t bother to explain what they mean with “boring and dull”, the devs can’t help them either way.

Let’s just sit down for some tea and pie whilst watching some of them folks make fools of themselves. People with arguments can join along and have some pie too. :smiley:

(Gringo) #39

He he sounds like a good plan! Pie will calm me down! I just get annoyed with all these nay say’ers!

I respect people if they bring valid comments to the table, not everyone is gonna like the game and why should they. But they must understand that QW’s, as I understand it, gets it’s foundations from ET, namely the great game play! Thus QW’s is gonna have a certain ET feel to it.

At the end of the day, graphics and sfx will always be bettered, its the nature of this industry. But get fantastic gameplay and a game can last much much longer as ET has done.

(BondyBoy007) #40

that was the idea, it’s supposed to