Place your bets on game release!!!

(corvey) #1

Which game do you think will be released first? Even more entertaining, try for a superfecta (place all four in a row) written down in numerical order. A prediction month/year optional!!!

Side bet, which month and year will Quake Wars be released?

How much would you wager on a bet like this? A payoff for a superfecta would have to be tremendous!

(mortis) #2

BF2142 of course, bugs and all.

(Joe999) #3

well that’s obvious as crysis is the only one which is still scheduled for 2006 afaik. besides it’s an EA release, so it never will be delayed, no matter if it’s done or not.

(Black_Forky) #4

Nah, Duke Nukem Forever will be out first.

I, for one, welcome our new vaporware overlords.


UT 2007, I think. Really.

(moonShield) #6

0% for QW ;). I’ve bet on Duke Nukem Forever.

(thewonderfulcar) #7

My crystal ball says Crysis will be first. Then QW, then UT2007. DNF will be released at the end of 2007.

(richmanrush) #8

crysis, ut2k7, quake wars, dnf