Persistent online ranking in ET:QW

(Dazzamac) #41

Whats wrong with getting your stripes? Are standard military ranking insignia’s insufficient for a game?

(mortis) #42

stripes = good

unlocks = bad


(KAGE) #43

who told you that…

splashdamage doesn’t reward medioca and punish the talented.

when i play ET i’m like :banana: :drink:
and when i play bf2 i’m like… WTF… :banghead: :bash:

(Strid) #44

i was a bf1942 fan, played it for 3years, and i have to say BF2 just screwed up everything :frowning:

hope ET:QW keeps ET:Wolf gameplay with all the strafing/outmaneuvering on infantry :slight_smile:

BF2 = random cone of fire on long range and splash dmg on close combat, repetitive and luck-based game…

(AnarchyAngel) #45

Why not have it go the other way so that the more Vet you get the less damage you do? It does after all provide a more challenging game?

(Svanire) #46

The BF2 ranking system IMO ruined bf2. Every casual play quickly got over them and only really stat whored for the unlocks. The game had such potential with the new squad interface etc but was let down by what players did in the pubs. Now it can be argued that pubs never had teamplay true to some extent but in bf2 dont even care if the team wins or looses as it has no bearing on there rank or unlock progress and only played to get the most points as possible which made the vehicles rule and being on the ground sucked (apart from urban maps). I dearly hope there is no persistant stats because it will tear apart from the teamplay philosophy the game is supposedly being built on.

If persistant stats are included we will see

  • TKING for vehicles/other rewards
  • Infantry sucking
  • EVERYONE vehicle rushing and other drama
  • Stat padding
  • People not playing to win but to rank up

(Lanz) #47

I’ve never liked the XP system with the upgrades over a campaign in ET and I certainly wouldn’t like persistant upgrades in QW. It just unbalance the game, and adds nothing more than some fake RPG sence to the game. I don’t understand the obsession over stats and upgrades, what’s the point? I’m General, woopey-doo, me and 50000 others. Everyone look at their own stat but wouldn’t give a flying fuck about other people’s stat anyway.

Pointless, uninteresting and just unbalance a (hopefully perfectly) balanced game.

I like games where you start over on a clean slate every time you join a server and against people on equal terms no matter how long they played on that server, it’s the skill of the player that should matter, nothing else.

(ParanoiD) #48

I dont care. I wouldnt like to re-learn everytime how to use the chopper. But I like that because there is no peristant ranking that everything is more balanced. In ET:QW it wouldnt be a problem like in BF2 as you would be able to get xp in verious other ways. Tking a teammate should give like -3x te xp given for a kill when you use persistant ranking so it would not give you any advantage as building would probably give you like 2x the xp, so u lise 1x the xp, nobosy would tk then anymore to get xp, as you will lose xp instead of getting xp. In ET it is really balanced.

(Hakuryu) #49

Any kind of persistant reward like ranks is a bad idea imo.

Battlefield 2 proved that in the following ways :

  1. You always have x players on your team more worried about points and medals than the game itself. Like a couple of spec-ops jihad jeeping all game to get the explosives reward.
  2. The unlocked guns are way better than the normal ones and creates an imbalance.
  3. Constant crying by people that a.) didnt have a reward register, b.) have their stats removed, or c.) problems with gaining rank. I’d rather have Splash Damage working on patches and new maps rather than trying to fix something that isnt needed.
  4. Stat padders and the spam they create in forums - there will be 1,000 posts about this stat-padder or that stat-padder on this board- guaranteed. Personally I could care less and dont need to hear about every one of them.
  5. Ranked vs Unranked servers is a dumb idea. I rarely played on an unranked server for BF2 because a.) I felt like I was missing out on something and b.)the level of playing was much higher in ranked servers (although everyone and their mother will say differently-but my experience shows otherwise).

I think the medals and rank of the current ET based upon campaign is the best way to go, and part of the reason I love ET.

(Nail) #50

:clap: :clap: :clap: :drink: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :rocker2: :rocker:

:tapir: :tapir: :tapir:

I agree

(Rhoades) #51

If you wanted persistant XP, you could base the majority of it off of how many objectives you take, instead of your K: D ratio. Just a thought.

(ParanoiD) #52

Still you will get the Xp whoring like in ET.

-Killing an eng trying to plant a dyno at obj and plant one yourself
-Push away a covert (or killing him) to steal the uniform urself.
And more of this shit.

BTW Id say get rid of K:D ratio, it suxx, weve got too much rambo medics on ET who only go for their ratio instead of objectives, the way its meant to be played :wink: (Uses an ATI gfx card btw…)

(SniperSteve) #53

stripes = good

unlocks = bad

Yeah, Although there very likely will be unlocks that only last the length of the campaign. This IMO is fine. Unlocks that are permanet and last even once the campaign is over tends to unbalance things. Medals and ranks that are persistant yet don’t give you any sort of advantage to the player is good because it satisfies the stat junkies, and the newbs.

…I still want to know who jumped the most during the round…

(NaturalPoint-Warren) #54

“TKing jerks who aren’t playing the game as intended” sounds like the problem, not persistent stats.

I’ve never noticed a problem with the gun-unlocks unbalancing in BF2. I find the biggest “unbalancer” in BF2 to be people who refuse to join a squad or work with the rest of the team.

Losing my request for team commander to a higher ranked dude just makes me want to play more so i’ll have higher rank. it seems a fairly tame way to make the stats mean something.

I agree with stripes good, unlocks bad - but think using stripes to affect minor game elements (like applying to be a leader), is an inventive way to make them more than just some hollow high score. fingers crossed.

(Joe999) #55

these are details, i for my part see a problem in BF2 as a whole. game should have never been released that early. it just wasn’t done and the concept lacks of gameplay & team orientation & fun.

imo, long story short, it went like this:

EA: we need good numbers for the next quarter. let’s roll out BF2.
Dice: but the game isn’t finished yet.
EA: who cares, all that counts is money. we create a hype with commercials, so people will buy it blindfold. our analysts say that we already can catch a bunch of first-buyers, so everything that doesn’t work now will be done with updates.
BF2 community: EA sucks, BF2 sucks!
EA: stop piracy! our games don’t sell because of piracy!

(Strid) #56

lol, i would add

EA: stop piracy! our games don’t sell because of piracy!
Microsoft: What??
EA: Xbox sucks! it just didnt sell enough consoles…

(earthpig) #57

all i know is you can all expect persistent online spanking… BY ME!!!


i’ll see myself out.