People who played Consite B3 on March Sunday 18 - Got Demos? :D

(Donnovan) #1


Thankyou for your coming to the event. We dont have serverdemos anymore, so i would like to ask you to provide your recorded demos on Consite B3 so i can make studyes about gameplay.

The event happened on Sunday 18 of March. You was there? Recorded demos? :c)


(Donnovan) #2

Anyone got demos? :c)

You can send me via etqw.andes AT or upload it to any file host service, or contact me with a private message.

(Runeforce) #3

I don’t have demos, but I have some gameplay points: at the first objective, move the gdf spawn closer to the objective. Currently the GDF has longer travel to it, and it seems close to impossible to prevent the strogg rushing the first objective (they get a plant before you get to the building. They should meet in the lobby at the same time.)
At the seccond objective, as already discussed, strogg can use a teleporter (or a tormentor) to reach the hack before they should, thus giving the GDF too little time to fall back.
Same thing is the issue at picking up the data brain, you can pick it up immidietely after hacking, which encourages camping the objective prematurely. Give acces to the train station, so the strogg can get the forward spawn, but don’t open up the mall itself until 30 seconds after the hack is completed*. (Also, I am pretty sure on the match we played lae yesterday, that I recieved no message about the databrain being picked up (which in turn probably was because it was picked up very early.))

*This should be be done differently, if the objective I talk about just below is implemented.

As soon as I get my scanner working, I will send you the 6 floor vertical construct objective (between the hack and the databrain, in the unused building to the south (and, yes, it would be extended vertically)) I have sketched out.

(Donnovan) #4

Hi lakersforce,

You talked about that on the Consite BOB topic, but here you have write more details.

This always was on my todo, but i run out of time and released without those changes. Sometimes is easyer to do another brush change than those things.

I will do those changes on my files.

I received 3 demos until now. Watched all tree.

Do you know anyone on TAW that have recorded demos?

Nice week!

(Donnovan) #5

Come on guys! I just need one more demo to complete my ultimate winning quest!

One more demo - ultimate whinning.
Two more demos - ULTRON ultimate whinning!