I know, that’s what I’m talking about. There’s a couple of screenshots on what looks like a normal city street or alley with some stores. I meant it’d be nice to get a map overview with objectives for that map, like this write-up.
PC Gamer Preview
I know, that’s what I’m talking about. There’s a couple of screenshots on what looks like a normal city street or alley with some stores. I meant it’d be nice to get a map overview with objectives for that map, like this write-up.[/quote]
Or they could just release a beta/mp test.
“According to John Carmack, DirectX 10 support
isn’t in the cards for Quake Wars. Adding support
for its features would be a market decision, he
says, and not a technical one. And judging from the
visuals seen here, it looks great in DX9 anyway.”
I thought this game is OpenGL?
remember this: “And judging from the
visuals seen here, it looks great in DX9 anyway”
isn’t a Carmack quote, that’s the interviewer’s
LOL, I didn’t notice it but someone at Shacknews pointed out how it looks like the Strogg has a tiny wang hanging out. It’s actually a shell casing from the GDF medic I think… :asleep:
I think I got this map figured out. The firist part is your standard vehicle/deployables/artillery slaughter until the GDF construct the EMP Distruptor.
After completing the firist obj the game moves inside the Sewers plant where there is a capturable spawn for the GDF to take. This part of the map is very much like the second part of the Seawall Battery map from ET. In order to win the game GDF need to enter the sewers and hack the sewer controls. To get to the sewers they need to fight through the Sewers plant, pass the Strogg spawn and enter the sewers. This is just like the Seawall Battery map - Allies have a capturable spawn inside the West Bunker just like the capturable spawn inside the Sewers Plant. In the Battery map Allies need to fight pass the Axis spawn to get into the bunker complex and then Axis need to chase them and chatch them before they place the dyno, just like the Strogg will need to chase down GDF who get inside the sewers and stop them from hacking the obj.
Also the two screenshots that have Strogg and GDF fighting in the sewers- they are taken in the room which contains the objective that is marked 2b on the overview map.
I’m beginning to think that:
Valley = fuel dump
Sewers = valley
And the rest of the maps’ objectives will be similar to the other 4 ET maps.
I think the correct why to put would be:
1st stage of Valley map = 1st stage of Fueldump map
2nd stage of Sewers map = 2nd stage of Seawall Battery map
Not that its necessarely a bad thing. Why wouldn’t they copy certain objective setups that worked well in ET? With 12 maps Im shure that we will se plenty of new stuff aswell.
I think the correct why to put would be:
1st stage of Valley map = 1st stage of Fueldump map
2nd stage of Sewers map = 2nd stage of Seawall Battery map
Not that its necessarely a bad thing. Why wouldn’t they copy certain objective setups that worked well in ET? With 12 maps Im shure that we will se plenty of new stuff aswell.[/quote]
Tru dat double true.
Kinda like sony’s motto with the playstation controller “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
Certainly some of the map objectives work in a similar order to FuelDump, albeit with a rather fancier Hack-the-Shield-Generator-So-The-MCP-Can-Fire-An-SSM bit in the middle, but those objectives make no sense at all in any other order.
We started off with a completely blank slate, and were initially tempted to make every objective entirely different in every map, but it was just irrationally wacky. Besides, you don’t play the objectives in a comparison table, you play them in the gameworld - even if they’re technically the same objectives in the same order as another map, they really don’t feel the same when you’re trying to complete or defend them.
Sergant to his company: “Men, listen up! We are going to take that enemy trech today!”
Soldier: “What? Again? We took a trech last week already, dont you have something else for us? Can’t we liberate an enemy bar for example?”
Soldier2: “Yeah, and all this shooting is getting boring aswell, always shooting, can’t we try something a little different this time? I heared about this really deadly joke for example…”
Sergant: sight
Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja!..
Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
I was under a similar impression that the repetition of objectives would make a few maps boring, but coming to think of it, many games have extremely similar objectives (ie, CTF) and you still have a very different gameplay on each map… because it’s the map layout that dictates the flow of the game.
ETQW is so different that it is treated as ETQW instead of “futuristic W:ET with vehicles and deployables and assymetric teams”.