Payd Ads on ETQW videos on Youtube.

(Donnovan) #1

You Tube have a program were you can apply your videos to have Ads on its side. Part of the earned money goes to the video maker.

For video game videos to have those ads, the video creator need permission from the game owners.

Splash Damage give us permission to apply user made ETQW videos on this You Tube program?

(Dthy) #2

If this is the YouTube partnership scheme, then you also need to be able to easily garner 1000’s of views with each video uploaded and any videos you’ve already uploaded. Also all the content has to be original.

(Gradis) #3

they rejected my porn :frowning:

(badman) #4

id Software owns the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars property, so you’ll need to ask them on this. :slight_smile:

(Ashog) #5

or send Badman a box of Diebels Alt :slight_smile:

(ED209) #6

Oh I thought the e-mail from You Tube was a fake.