Paul Wedgwood to Speak at DICE Europe Tomorrow, Watch it Live

(badman) #1

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Paul Wedgwood to Speak at DICE Europe Tomorrow, Watch it Live

The inaugural <a href=“”>European version of the D.I.C.E. Summit</a> is taking place in London this week and it features some of the industry’s biggest thinkers sharing their experience and knowledge in a tasty buffet of talks. Our very own Paul Wedgwood will be up on stage tomorrow morning to share his thoughts on business strategy and you can watch the whole live right here on the site.
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(Christophicus) #2

Will miss the livestream, but looking forward to checking out the VOD. Best of luck Paul!

(Dthy) #3

I like how the quote is confused on what to do with the link :smiley:

(MoneyPenny) #4

Enjoy it~ I’m sure you will be great =D

(Loffy) #5

Human relations (“HR department”), cash flow (“staying alive financially”, and community contact, is my guess. Anyhow, gl with the talk.

(badman) #6

[QUOTE=Loffy;473119]Human relations (“HR department”), cash flow (“staying alive financially”, and community contact, is my guess. Anyhow, gl with the talk.
You’ll be in for a surprise. :smiley:

(Runeforce) #7

Wedgwood: “Our primary focus should not be to generate wealth to our shareholders, but happiness to our staff first, our consumers second and our buisness partners third!”

I always knew that PW was a hippie in disguise.

(Mustang) #8

For those of you that missed the live steam.

Apologies if your ears blow up at 16:54, blame Ca9ine.

And Seanza you can get lost as well.


(Rex) #9

Thanks Mustang!

(.FROST.) #10

The “speech” kinda reminded me of the purpose I once thought was the purpose of my life(being a freelance artist) and made me think I should once again grab me a pencil and do something creative. Incidentally I just bought me a ton of new games in the last couple weeks and got into some kind of gaming frenzy at last.
I mean, I love videogames, since I held the first LCD thingy from Nintendo in my palm, and that never ceased, even though I basically never really owned a single console, or handheld and a PC was just totally out of the question. But roughly ten years ago I bought me my first PC and since then I play videogames on a daily basis; wich is perfectly fine, but it kinda started to substitude large parts of my other hobbies and passions. I don’t wanna whine, but I think I should really seek for more balance between all the stuff I love.

The big difference between videogames and doing something creative(spongy term, I know) is, that the one makes only you happy and the other can make others and yourself happy; I mean, in a more direct way, than going on a raid with your clan and scoring big-time in whatever RPG or FPS you prefer. Doing something in RL is still a bit more substantial and satisfying, than doing virtual stuff, but it’s also a bit harder to accomplish, most of the time.

But damn, those games look so good…it’s not easy folks, it’s not easy.

(Falcon.PL) #11

Now that is a good speech. Both content and presentation of it - well done.

(Dragonji) #12

Good stuff.

(system) #13

Today most of the peoples are loaded with sever work pressure, therefore planning for a short vacation away from the hassles of life is needed so much these days that we can go to any lengths for that. Going on a trip is an event that quite a lot of us look forward to. Out of various interesting places to visit and to see, one of the most popular vacation destinations is known to be Europe.

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