Paul Wedgwood Talks Bringing Depth to Console Games

(badman) #1

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Over at the online premises of Edge, Splash Damage main man Paul Wedgwood can currently be seen chatting about Splash Damage’s multi-platformed future. Paul discusses the challenges of packing the depth traditionally present in PC titles into a console title, the state of the PC market, and why now is the ideal time for multiplatform goodness. You can read the full interview by gently rolling your eyeballs to the assortment of words right over here.

(Joe999) #2

good read and thank you for not using the word “piracy” as it seems to be common these days.

one question to which i have not found a real answer so far: when they are able to introduce any kind of plastic controllers like plastic guitars, plastic drums, plastic whatever, why is there still no fps controller for consoles?

(-SSF-Sage) #3

[QUOTE=Joe999;183066]good read and thank you for not using the word “piracy” as it seems to be common these days.

one question to which i have not found a real answer so far: when they are able to introduce any kind of plastic controllers like plastic guitars, plastic drums, plastic whatever, why is there still no fps controller for consoles?[/QUOTE]

How cool is it to throw a grenade with “a gun”? You would need to have too many buttons on it etc. Tho I have to admit it would be a cool to aim with “a gun”. Oh yeah, btw how are you supposed to use other things, like move and jump? With a button on the side for them too? Speaking of that when you turn around, you need to have back pointing to the screen. :smiley:

(Joe999) #4

hu? who said anything about a gun? i think more about a keyboard/mouse like combination with eg joysticks on the (maybe reduced) keyboard and special layout, size and arrangement (circular?) of certain keys

(Loffy) #5

Thanks for the link to this nice but short interview. I wonder if the new game will be rated for age 11-14, 15-17 or 18+ ?

(Ging) #6

You mean, like, a gamepad?

As that’s essentially what you’re describing here!