Operation Evil Eye 23:57 hrs

(demonspawn) #41

I would certainly help in any way I could with a global command list.
I’ll keep going over how other people have done their scripts and try to piece mine together, I’m sure its all going to just click in one of these days.

Map on

(Ghast) #42

Yes please sticky! I feel in my gut that RTCW is not going away G SP is becoming very important again to gaming and RTCW is one of the only places to practice it!

(kat) #43

On 2002-09-04 00:17, Ghast wrote:
Yes please sticky! I feel in my gut that RTCW is not going away G SP is becoming very important again to gaming and RTCW is one of the only places to practice it!

totally agree… on both counts…!

(demonspawn) #44

Is there a way to freeze an animation in a specific spot without re-exporting a new animation?
I would like to have the priestess “bow” sequence end before she is slapped sideways?

Is it possible to have the priestess disappear in a puff of smoke the same way she appears? without using a target_kill?

I’m still looking into this but I haven’t been able to get the “spirit” chick to show up, all I see is a gray arrow?. Do I have to associate a md3 with the script_mover? I didn’t see one in the tutorial map you released.

Still slugging away

(demonspawn) #45

Ok I figured out the animation question, it requires you to know how long each animation is. It would be easier if I knew how long animations were without trial and error of adjusting the wait times, O-well it worked.

I got the priestess teleporting away after her chant but I’m running into an issue with the target_smoke generator, it doesn’t function as yours does, it constantly streams smoke, where as your is a single “poof” effect then dissipates. I’ve looked at yours over and over again and unless yours is connected somehow that I can’t see, I’m at a loss as to why mine won’t work right.

And I still haven’t gotten the “spirit” to work, all the path_corners are there and are triggered correctly but all that is visible is an gray arrow that follows each path.

You mentioned in your summation of my map that you felt a “cut camera” would make the secret door button make more sense to the player. I agree but I have had no luck getting a cut camera to work. Every time that I try to trigger a camera after the intro camera sequence (at the beginning of the map before the player spawn) my map crashes.
I’ve looked at several official maps and haven’t been able to find an example of how the “script_camera” entity works, is this a MP entity only?
I live answering my own questions, it makes me feel like I’m starting to get it.
I’ll keep trying things and hopefully I’ll figure it all out before you have to answer :smile:

Map on

(kat) #46

heh…! if it make you feel any better DS, I’m having problem implimenting some of those ‘special effects’ as well (note that sock/bob took out the ‘sparks’ effect from the test map for similar reasons??).

I’ve been finding that triggering events, for some god forsaken reason, works best if your primary trigger is a target_relay (seems to work best using script triggers) which is then linked to the other things you want to happen. Don’t target your main events directly but try this indirect method and see what that does…

(demonspawn) #47

I have many actions being activated from a single trigger volume, that shouldn’t be a problem.
I’m not really sure how to set-up my entities to be triggered from a target_relay, I see that the element “spirit” is actually a series of target_relay’s… I have to admit I’m a bit unsure as to why that is?? I was hoping that trying a bunch of different set-ups I would get a better grip on in but…It’s too late and I’ve been staring at my monitor for too many hours to count…must sleep.
I’ll jump back in tomorrow and try again.

No map on…just sleep :wink:

(sock) #48

On 2002-09-05 01:37, demonspawn wrote:
I got the priestess teleporting away after her chant but I’m running into an issue with the target_smoke generator, it doesn’t function as yours does, it constantly streams smoke, where as your is a single “poof” effect then dissipates. I’ve looked at yours over and over again and unless yours is connected somehow that I can’t see, I’m at a loss as to why mine won’t work right.

Yep had this sometimes as well and it was generally I was triggering the smoke directly. Always shield entities behind target_relays unless script_movers. They just seem to trigger better that way, unless you are talking about func_inv_user entities which seem to have a life all of their own. :wink:

On 2002-09-05 01:37, demonspawn wrote:
And I still haven’t gotten the “spirit” to work, all the path_corners are there and are triggered correctly but all that is visible is an gray arrow that follows each path.

Hehe, yep this one had me stumped for sometime as well but it seems the model/skin for the ghosts are in the “ai_boss_heinrich” model. Which is why I included him in the map and just dropped him down the well for the good effect. It also nicely went with the ghost going down the well and screaming.

3D Brush Monkey

(sock) #49

On 2002-09-05 01:37, demonspawn wrote:
You mentioned in your summation of my map that you felt a “cut camera” would make the secret door button make more sense to the player. I agree but I have had no luck getting a cut camera to work. Every time that I try to trigger a camera after the intro camera sequence (at the beginning of the map before the player spawn) my map crashes.
I’ve looked at several official maps and haven’t been able to find an example of how the “script_camera” entity works, is this a MP entity only?

Initially I thought the same and could not remember any SP map which had a cut scene halfway through the map but, BUT, djbob has come to the rescue … The map boss2 has a cut scene where you find the first super soldier. It pans around the room and then shows you the super soldier appearing from a doorway. Damn groovy cut scene with the white light streaming through the doorway.

Anyway what you need to do is create the camera sequence to run once when you activate the button first time in the script. It can be done very easily with an “accum” variable. (accum 2 abort_if_equal …) Prob would be nice to see someone go through the door or something in the cut sequence so you know that it’s the way to go in the map. Spawn a german solider which specially walks through it and then remove him when the sequence is finished.

On 2002-09-05 01:37, demonspawn wrote:
I love answering my own questions, it makes me feel like I’m starting to get it.
I’ll keep trying things and hopefully I’ll figure it all out before you have to answer :smile:

Sounds perfect to me, keep up the good work. :wink:

3D Brush Monkey

(demonspawn) #50

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it off to work I go…
Thanks allot you guys…

AAAaaaa…shretch…fart…coffee…and back to work :smile:

Script on

(Ghast) #51

Wonderful! If you get the cutscene bulletproof, do a tut, please!

(And hold off on the farting till AFTER I bring you another cup of coffee?

script on? G)

(sock) #52

On 2002-09-05 17:35, Ghast wrote:
Wonderful! If you get the cutscene bulletproof, do a tut, please!

Ummm I feel a possible tutorial coming on … :wink:
Just need to pick a brushwork theme … /me nudges djbob.

(digibob) #53

/me pokes back with a big stick

(demonspawn) #54

Very cool morning.
Heinrich did the trick, I didn’t alertentity him as I don’t want his presence just his spirits. (I sound like I’m working on a Christmas map)
The smoke is still messed up, maybe it is being called to quickly in the script, in your maps you have several talk triggers called before the smoke?? Also your smoke isn’t attached to a “target_relay”. I’ll keep slugging away.
Do you guys know if Doom III using the same scripting engine? I know their lighting system is linked directly to the editor and can be adjusted in run-time, will the scripting engine be able too as well?
I was going to start working on the camera cut, but Sock and djbob, if your willing to make a tutorial, I’ll hold off as I would like to try to get a lightning strike to open up a large crack across the courtyard :smile:

OOooo…I love to play
Thanks for the help

Map on

(sock) #55

Ummm just tested the “alertentity” on the smoke effects with and without delay and initially it did not work. All I suggest is that you try a “wait 50” between the two “alertentity” commands.

Prob will get a basic tutorial done this weekend but it depends on workload atm.

A good example of the Lightning effect is in the dark.map. They used a simple func_static entity made up one single brush painted with the lightning texture on one side and nodraw on the others. Then it is switched on/off quickly with an additional dlight entity infront of the lightning for good measures.

3D Brush Monkey

(demonspawn) #56

Smoke works now, it moves away from her though, but I’ll fix that. Thanks a bunch
I was originally going to have the lightning be a func_explosive with a mass of 1 and a “nonoise” tag, I’ll experiment with it and see how the “dark” map did it.
I’ll also work on a cut camera and see how it works out.

I can’t wait to see Enemy Territory, if I’m distracting you too much let me know :smile:

Map on

(kat) #57

…I assume you put a slick texture on the steps. (They are the ones in the common folder.) Bots need these texture in order to use stairs correctly…

I’ve been having problems with me AI’s walking on terrained surfaces (uneven and bumpy) when I though I’d try an experiment… I duplicated and then texture all the brushes the AI’s walked over with common/slick (this is on a terrain mesh btw so there arn’t any ‘flat’ surfaces) compiled the map and they now seem quite happey to walk where ever they want without doing the bot navigation jigâ„¢, I’m a bit happier now…!

(Ghast) #58

…The trick with all AI creatures is to group them together into teams. Once they belong to the same team they do not start shooting at each other. You need to add an extra key to each AI creature. The value or team number must be unique to “that team”.

Key “aiteam”, Value [team number]

Can the player be made a member of a team, ie zombies or blackguard will not attack him?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ghast on 2002-09-18 19:44 ]</font>

(kat) #59

I was just testing the 1st episode of my SP map on a clean install of Wolf when I thought I’d try that *.bat you created to run yours DemonS. You know that really long load time problem you said you had… well it’s nothing to do with your map (per say) as I got the same thing when running mine…

…I think the problem has something to do with the fact that the *.bat file bypasses the main interface and loads straight into the game (loading the map up)

(demonspawn) #60

Interesting, but I’m not sure because when I did a test compile and run with it everything went smooth.
Testing the 1st episode… sounds like your close :smile: can’t wait to see it.

I’ve got the in-game camera cut to work, really wasn’t as hard as I thought, thanks to Karloff.

map on