Online spawn lag

(jopjop) #1

I’ve been experiencing some seemingly random lag spikes untill I noticed that they occur often when my team or the other team spawns. The same effect is when an objective gets constructed. This is frustrating since I don’t to go complaining “lag” everytime I die in a duel because of it. This has not been always the case and I have done some mods to my cfg but cannot pinpoint any cvar that would have an effect.
I’ve noticed that this lag doesn’t appear as bad when playing on servers that have less players on them.
Here is my autoexec.cfg
btw if you are searching a high fps cfg (with the risk of lags ofc :D) you are welcome to use mine
And ignore the finnish comments they are just some of my scribblings

ui_name "jopjop"
ui_clantag "^9.prkl"
ui_clantagposition "1"
sensitivity "0.4" //in mouse x=1800 y=1600

seta com_unlockFPS 1
seta com_unlock_timingMethod 1 //0-2
seta com_unlock_maxFPS 120 //nimi kertoo kaiken

seta pm_crouchbob 0
seta pm_bobroll 0
seta pm_bobpitch 0
seta pm_bobup 0
seta pm_runroll 0
seta pm_runpitch 0
seta pm_runbob 0
seta pm_walkbob 0

image_picMipEnable 1 //Enable PicMip

seta image_anisotropy 0
seta image_specularPicMip "-2" //picmipit -2<->2
seta image_diffusePicMip "-2"
seta image_bumpPicMip "-2"
seta image_globalPicMip "-2"
seta image_picMip "-2"
seta image_picMipEnable "1"
seta image_detailPower "0" // Controls how fast detail textures fade out
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1"
seta image_lodbias "1"
seta image_roundDown 1
seta image_useAllFormats 1
seta image_useBackgroundLoads 1
seta image_useCompression 1
seta image_useNormalCompression 2
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures 1
seta image_filter "GL_linear_MIPMAP_NEAREST" //very effective at giving me some FPS apparently GL_NEAREST is worst quality iirc

// Particle effects
set bse_detailLevel 0.5
set bse_rateCost 1.0
set bse_rateLimit 1.0
set bse_simple 1

// ETQWPro Client
set ec_autorecord 1
set ec_autoscreenshot 1
set ec_disablemuzzleflash 1
set ec_disabletracers 1
set ec_showSightModel 1
set ec_showWeaponModel  1
set ec_showstroggsighteffect 0
set ec_skipatmosphericeffects 1
set ec_skipsky 1
set ec_usemapscripts 1

seta g_decals 0
seta g_maxTransportDebrisExtraHigh 0
seta g_maxTransportDebrisHigh 0
seta g_maxTransportDebrisLow 0
seta g_maxTransportDebrisMedium 0
seta g_showPlayerShadow 0
seta g_showVehicleCockpits 0
seta g_skipIntro 1
seta g_transportDebrisExtraHighCutoff 0
seta g_transportDebrisHighCutoff 0
seta g_transportDebrisLowCutoff 0
seta g_transportDebrisMediumCutoff 0

//demo jutut
uv_showOwnFragsOnly "0"
bind "kp_home" "cvaradd demo_scale -0.3"
bind "kp_uparrow" "pauseNetDemo"
bind "kp_pgup" "cvaradd demo_scale 0.3"
bind "kp_home" "cvaradd pm_democamspeed -30; vstr writeDemoCamSpeed" "SHIFT" "default"
bind "kp_pgup" "cvaradd pm_democamspeed 30; vstr writeDemoCamSpeed" "SHIFT" "default"

net_serverReloadEngine "0" //perform a full reload on next map restart (including flushing referenced pak files) - decreased if > 0

seta net_serverMaxUsercmdRelay "1" //maximum number of usercmds from other clients the server relays to a client type: int [1, 10] 

default 1

seta net_clientUsercmdBackup "0"

seta net_predictionErrorDecay "1" //Enable/disable prediction error decay type: bool current physics speed added to the maximum 

apparent speed due to client prediction error default: 1 (true)

seta net_limitApparentMaxErrorAllowance "0.25" //fraction of the current physics speed added to the maximum apparent speed due to 

client prediction error

seta net_staggerPlayerGroundChecks "1" //skip every other ground 
check during forward prediction default: 1 (true)

seta net_limitapparentmaxlagallowance "0.25" //fraction of the current physics speed added to teh maximum apparent speed due to client 


seta net_limitApparentMaxLagAllowancefraction "1" //of the current physics speed added to the maximum apparent speed due to client lag

seta net_limitApparentMinSpeed "500" //minimum value for maximum apparent speed to reach

seta net_serverSnapshotDelay "3" //delay between snapshots in number of game frames default 3

net_clientSkipUsercmd "2" //0: no skipping 1: no skipping. when multiple game frames, send single packet 2: skip. when multiple game 

frames send only first 3: skip. when multiple game frames send only last

seta net_limitApparentVelocity "0" //limit the apparent velocity of objects in prediction to realistic levels
seta net_serverBalanceSnapshotTimes "1" //default 1
seta net_clientMaxRate 32000
seta net_clientMaxPrediction "140" //default 1000
seta net_clientPrediction "1" //default 20
seta g_fov "90" //field of view
seta gui_voteAlpha ".5"
seta g_voteKeepVote "0" //poistaa voteruudun heti kun oot votennu
seta com_videoRam "512" //gpun muisti säädä itelles sopivaks

seta g_playerIconSize "10"
seta g_damageIndicatorAlphaScale "1"
seta g_damageIndicatorColor  "1 0 1 1"
seta g_damageIndicatorWidth "40"
seta g_damageIndicatorHeight "30"
seta g_damageIndicatorFadeTime "0.8"
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"
seta g_decals "0"
seta g_showVehicleCockpits 0
seta g_maxShowDistance "512"//clipmodelien distance


seta g_weaponSwitchTimeout "2000" //näyttää ase valikon koko ajan oikeella en muista tarkkaan 0 nii ei kai näytä ollenkaa
seta g_skipIntro "1"
seta net_clientLagOMeter "1"
set ec_showSightModel "0" //ironsightissa aseen näkyminen
set ec_showWeaponModel "0"//asenäkyviin 1/pois 0
seta com_showFPS "1"
seta com_gpuSpec "0" // Graphics: 0 = low, 1 = med, 2 = high
seta com_machineSpec "0" // Processor: 0 = low, 1 = med, 2 = high
seta com_lastCPULevel 0
seta com_lastCPUDetailLevel 0
seta com_lastGraphicsLevel 0
seta com_lastGraphicsDetailLevel 0
seta com_lastFoliageLevel 0

seta m_pitch "0.015" //hiiren y akselin säätö
seta m_smooth "1"
seta m_strafeSmooth "1"
seta m_strafeScale "6.25"

seta s_numberofspeakers 2
seta s_useocclusion 0
seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "0" // Use 1 sound per shader
seta s_force22kHz "0" // Use 22khz sounds

//Keyboard Settings
bind ins kill //sitoo insertin selfkilliks
bind "9" "toggle net_clientPrediction 10 0 -10 -20" ""
bind "0" "toggle com_unlock_timingmethod 0 1 2" "" "default"
//Additional scipts
exec classbinds.cfg //lataa classbindit

seta r_skipstuff "1"
seta r_swapInterval "0" //vsync
seta r_useAlphaToCoverage "0"
seta r_useDitherMask "0"
seta r_stuffFadeStart "0"
seta r_stuffFadeEnd "0"
seta r_stuffCacheMegs "6"
seta r_softParticles "0"
seta r_skipStuff "1"
seta r_skipDepthAmbient	"1"
seta r_skipAtmosInteractions "1"
seta r_shadows "0"
seta r_shaderQuality "2"
seta r_shaderSkipSpecCubeMaps "1" // Disable specular lighting enhancements
seta r_renderProgramLodDistance "1" // Affects the distance that special effects like shiny metal are rendered
seta r_multiSamples "0"
seta r_megaUpscale 0
seta r_megaTilesPerSecond "1"
seta r_megaStreamBlocks "4"
seta r_megaFadeTime 2147483647	//time change the maximum levels of detail 
seta r_megaDrawMethod "3"
seta r_megatexturePreferALU 1
seta r_skipMegaTextureSurfaces 1 // Skip rendering of mega texture surfaces 
seta r_normalizeNormalMaps 1 	// Normalize normal maps after lookup
seta r_noDoubleAtmosphere 1
seta r_MD5LodScale "0" 		// Hides the transition from low poly models far away to very detailed:Lower=Higher Performance
seta r_impostercoverage 0.5	//default 0.5
seta r_imposterFadeStart 130	//default 130
seta r_imposterCutoff 80	//default 80
seta r_imposterFade "80"	//default 80
seta r_inhibitEXTGPP 0
seta r_detailTexture "0"
seta r_detailFade "1"
seta r_displayRefresh "60"
seta r_customHeight "1200"
seta r_customWidth "1920"
seta r_multiSamples "0" //antialiasing
seta r_useFBODestinationBuffer 0
seta r_useThreadedRenderer 2 //asettaa pelin käyttämään dualcoreja 1-2
seta r_visdistmult "1.0" //piirtää maiseman ja ukot kauas... 1.2 on isoin asetus
seta r_offsetunits "-600" // disable dirt on ground and walls at range. set to -600 if you dont like the effect
pb_sleep 500 //Tried this to repair the lag but didn't seem to help

vid_restart Here is video of the problem described. Watch the lag-o-meter and spawn clock when it hits 0

I’d appreciate any input on my problem :slight_smile:

(timestart) #2

I get this a lot when the map starts, sometimes miss the first 10 seconds of the map because of it :frowning:

(jopjop) #3

I tried removing the “etqwconfig.cfg” from base folder and renaming my autoexec.cfg and hoping the game would set everything default. This worked on some level atleast. Seemed that atleast the net_ settings and r_ settings got defaulted but then again I didn’t check them all. Well I made a new clip that shows that the lag remains.
This was taken from another server that was full. Ping 50-80.
The spikes were somewhat less visible in movement but in duels the other guy just started to shoot in one direction when the lag occurred. My guess is the antilag kicked heavily in and then I died

(Wastelander) #4

I believe this is a punkbuster problem, since i tested it on servers where pb was turned off, and i didnt got this lag. As a comfort, take look at bf2142 forum thread, where people are getting lag through all the match on servers that have punkbuster enabled.

(jopjop) #5

Hmm interesting theory. Then iguess there’s not much one can do about it :confused:
I tried that game once… didnt impress too much. I felt it was impossible to hit ppl :open_mouth:

I tried altering the pb_sleep setting to 500 but that didn’t help.

(Wastelander) #6

Rest assured, it is punkbuster related. The games like: Call of duty 4,bf2142 and COD waw,currently have the biggest issues. It has to do something with losing packets at the start of session when pb is initalized and client information is being processed to pb master server. However, since 3 servers of pb stopped responding, the packets get lost and big lags occurs.
It is know issue since november last year, but evenbalance is not doing anything about it…

(timestart) #7

So how does that explain lag spike in the middle of a game whenever a respawn occurs?

(Wastelander) #8

I dont get that lag spike.

(hozz) #9

Is it really due to PB ?

My impression is that it’s simply a performance problem with some servers, not a “too much data to send/data loss” problem of the connection.

It happens in the typical occasions when, in a singleplayer game, you would have this little stuttering when data has to be loaded from the hard disk suddenly, or too much must be loaded/computed suddenly.

For example: Refinery, Converter, 5+ mines there. When a grenade blew up all the mines, the game “stopped” for a split second just like it would in a SP game with many explosions at the same time.

Anyway, often it behaves like a performance problem with the hardware of the servers (mainly not enough RAM). So this could be another possibility.

Unranked server + PB off could be used to test wether it’s PB, or not.

(Tanzverbot) #10

I always thought this was simply due to lag, but oddly enough i get this on all UK servers, some euro servers like oms, but not on bullethell, which is located in the US. I also always get mad lags on volcano, no matter which server i’m on.

(jopjop) #11

I did some more testing and found out that it’s propably related to my config. I just was unable to properly set the cvars to default first time. Thx to kleptomane I learned the right way to set them default and the problem seemed to be solved.
The problem is the game isnt running like I want it to so the next course of action is I think to pinpoint the cvar that is causing this.
Help is appresiated still

(AnthonyDa) #12

And how about lag which happens everytime when you shot the same guy ? Must be haxcfg…

(timestart) #13

(jopjop) #14

So the two possible reasons are mycfg and crappy servers. Hope the latter proves to be correct. More testing tonight. I’ll try to go play different servers and make some sence in the matter.

Made this describing gif.

(light_sh4v0r) #15

I have this too, always thought it was the server.
If you find out what it is, I’ll be interested,
Your config looks nice though, just a warning to people copying it: change the resolution settings at the end, or you’ll get some problems if your screen is smaller than that.

(Wastelander) #16

It would be nice to see, if some cfg is making that lag problem.
Keep up the testing, and inform us :slight_smile:

(jopjop) #17

[QUOTE=light_sh4v0r;208964]I have this too, always thought it was the server.
If you find out what it is, I’ll be interested,
Your config looks nice though, just a warning to people copying it: change the resolution settings at the end, or you’ll get some problems if your screen is smaller than that.[/QUOTE]

Yeah and the name and the clan tag and the prediction settings to your likings and the crosshair and the refresh rate if you are using some other than 60fps and the others I forgot to mention here :slight_smile: :armadillochase:

(jopjop) #18

Hmm I’m turning more and more towards the laggy server theory. The more players on the server the more I lag but nothing sure yet. :frowning:
I wish there would be a mr.knowitall who would just come here and post “yeyeyeye you have this and that and you can do this and that to fix it”.

(Kl3ppy) #19

Do u have the lags on Promod Servers too?

(Coliseum) #20

Mr Knowitall was unavailable, so you’ll just have to do with Nubliseum giving it a shot. The one setting capable of completely wrecking my online experience is net_clientprediction. I have it at 10, if I’d turn it to 1, like you have, the game turns into a complete lottery, with both me and my target becoming unhittable at times. You might want to try setting different values to see if that changes anything. Best I can come up with atm.