OMFG! The Russians are dealing with the Strogg already!

(otakustar) #1

Just stumbled across atomSTROYexport:
we’re doomed!

(signofzeta) #2

Aren’t we DOOMED before this? I mean, have you heard of beef STROGGanoff?

(Stalbo) #3

beef STROGGanoff is just a fancy name for ground up cow-strog. nothing new.

(Ashog) #4

Old news :slight_smile:

Remember pereSTROYka?


(Slade05) #5

Well, I guess Basiley had a damn lot of pereSTROYka in the past, and it made him the way he is(or rather was? has anybody seen this madman lately?).

Anyway, get this: one of the first patriarchal codes of conduct in ancient Russia was called domoSTROY, which translates to something like house order. Strogg and russians, we go a long way…

(brbrbr) #6

[QUOTE=Slade05;242525]Well, I guess Basiley had a damn lot of pereSTROYka in the past, and it made him the way he is(or rather was? has anybody seen this madman lately?).

Anyway, get this: one of the first patriarchal codes of conduct in ancient Russia was called domoSTROY, which translates to something like house order. Strogg and russians, we go a long way…[/QUOTE]

its rather complicated to explain.
both Subj art, perestroika and my genesis/life.
in fact, its can become more serious[than im prefer to be[outside job]].