NTB 2.0 for ETQW

(vampirox) #1

Nigel The Bot



This program started as a way to automatically kick spectators on a full server. A couple of things were added later on and now it’s a program that will not just kick spectators, it’s a proper admin tool that will give you control over your server. Plus it has the ability to gather stats about the players on your server, which can be published on a web site.

How does it work? It sends an information request to the server, it processes the answers it gets back and you can use this information to kick spectators, show stats within the game (most kills, most deaths etc.) and do a lot of other useful things with it.

There are 2 versions of the program: the “light” version, which requires .NET framework 3.5 Service pack 1 to work and there’s the full version that can run without .NET framework installed.
The program can only run on someone’s local PC.
You can run the program without access to an FTP server, but it helps if you have access to one if you want to make use of all the things the program provides.
If you want to make use of the stats part of the program, you need a website to publish those as well, otherwise if you tick “I don’t have FTP, let me start” in “Local Settings” and then you enable the Stats, they will be generated locally in the owner PC.
The person that runs the program should know the rcon password of the server to make full use of all the functionality the program provides. Some things will work without that, but if you want to make full use of it, you need to know the rcon password.

Server’s running NTB by now:

  • [li]PERFECT CHERRY BLOSSOM -Ranked[]^ CrYpT Community Server ^ [+][]-/-Villa-/- Villekulla - Core 18+[]clinteastwood Public Ranked[]TAW|Artists of the Battlefield|EU Public Ranked[]TAW|Artists of the Battlefield|NA Ranked[]|MicroNuts| 18+ for Voice Chat.


Some Functions:

[ul][li]Ingame Stats[]Kicking Spectators after a certain period of time[]Admin Rules[]Alias Tracking[]Web Generated Stats[]Remote Console[]Multi-user access[]HotKeys for rcon commands[]Server Status PNG Signature[]Nexus Messages[]PB Ban List[]Game Ban List[]GUID Rules[]History GUID List of connected players[]Customizable Settings

(Dthy) #2

Noticed a problem with the clan reader, it just reads the tag and assumes that it’s a clan

(murka) #3

I don’t think there’s really a way to get the real clan name. It’d be possible if we still had the stats site feed.

(AnthonyDa) #4

The “punkbuster ban list” is really… weird. I mean “idiot” or “wont listen” as a reason?
Can you please list all of the sources of that list? IMO you should remove some of them.

(singing_fish) #5

well done again vampirox!
Thank you for all your work in a nearly dead game.

you rock!

(sereNADE) #6

he’ll be getting something nice for his efforts… shhhh don’t tell him

(vampirox) #7

lol, i wonder what should be :p, its my hobby, its ok.

(light_sh4v0r) #8

That looks like a nice little tool, good work :slight_smile:

(f34n0r) #9

FYI, both the NA and EU TAW public servers run this program also.

(Breo) #10

I can say it’s the best and most complete QW app for server admins!
We had the privilege to use Nigel since the closed beta :wink:

Thumbs up vampirox!

(vampirox) #11

nice, i edited main post with new servers with NTB.

Ill also public the C# source code in a few days.

(Cankor) #12


Ill also public the C# source code in a few days.[/QUOTE]

Cool. It’s commented?

(scud24) #13

needs a light_sh4v0r tbag counter

(light_sh4v0r) #14

xD I think an Ashog teabag counter would be more appropriate.

(scud24) #15



(KDL) #16

Would love something like this for Brink :smiley:

(DrFunkenstein) #17

It would be nice to have something similar for Brink, but Brink uses a different protocol for giving information about a server so that would require a major rebuilt.

Dr. Funkenstein

(AnthonyDa) #18

Buy me BRINK and 'ill do it just for you :slight_smile:

Am I not interested in anything else regarding this game…

(.Chris.) #19

You stopped playing ET, you stopped playing ET:QW and you have no desire to buy Brink, why are you here?

(Oyama) #20

Were сan i get Nigel The Bot?
Link in 1st message dont work anymore.