Nominated for Golden joystick Award

(Fab) #1

I cant be bothered typing it out again so ill just copy a post from my site:

Voting for this years Golden Joystick awards has finally begun. Enemy Territory Quake Wars has been nominated for the ‘One to watch’ award, head on over to their site and show your support.

Here is a little information about the Golden Joystick Awards:

Officially the world’s oldest and most respected games ceremony, the Golden Joystick Awards were first held back in 1982, when Atari, Commodore and Spectrum ruled the earth and Sony were still best known for the Walkman.

Vote: Here
Golden Joystick home page: Here

(Hakuryu) #2

Well I was going to vote… but then I saw they want your email, name, and even your phone number.

Email isnt that big of a deal, since I have a few ‘crap’ email addresses for things like that, but my phone number… wtf do they need that for? All that does is guarantee I’ll never go back to their site.

(kamikazee) #3

You answered it yourself…
You have a few ‘crap’ email addresses, but you shouldn’t have any ‘crap’ phone numbers. :wink:

(Fab) #4

Its just a way to stop multiple voting, theyre not going to call you. I agree that it is a bit intrusive tho.

(Mordenkainen) #5

heh, for best PC game and ultimate best game they list BF2: Euro Forces and BF2: Special Forces (nm they are expansions not full games) but then don’t list them for Online Game of the year or Multiplay game of the year (same difference?). How can a primarily multiplayer game be nominated for best overall game and not multiplayer game? Bah.

(Hansel) #6

Voted Quakewars, even though I also wanted to vote Supreme Commander and Wii sports. :slight_smile:

(crumblycake) #7

Yep, I wanted to vote for Crytech’s Crysis as well as QW as Game(s) to watch for…but why only vote for one game to watch for? THey need to have multiple choices to vote for…not one!

I dont trust thier selection process.

(Fab) #8

I wonder if SD even care about winning it. Also SD have you guys got a table at the do in London, lol?

(Wils) #9

Of course we care about winning it… and no, I don’t think we have a table. I’ll ask :slight_smile:

(SniperSteve) #10

and of course I chose Q4 as MP of the year. :smiley:

(GlobalWar) #11

I only voted for QW and Q4 :slight_smile:

(Salteh) #12

Q4 MP game of the year? :huh:
Insane! :slight_smile:

(Dazzamac) #13

Guitar Hero wasn’t in the MP section, have they never had a rock-off?

(Wils) #14

Maybe they’re casting an eye towards multiplayer GH2, which looks to be a significant improvement over the original.

(Sauron|EFG) #15

The rules are not clear enough on this, but I assume voting on ETQW is a waste since it’s not been released yet.

Awards like these have no value anyway imho, since most ppl (fanboys!) voting haven’t even seen half of the games. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Fab) #16

Well the winners will get free tv time which is always a bonus.