No sound with Logitech G35

(Silv3rLight) #1


I’m using a Logitech G35 and when I launch the game, the cinematic starts and I can hear audio. However, once I am in the menu or a game everything is like muted.

Could anyone help me please?


(millerq3) #2


I have the G35 and all is fine.

What operating system are you using?

If your using Windows 7 make sure you have the the up to date driver from logitech.

Also inside the Quake Wars make sure ,inside the settings,you have picked G35 in all three sound settings (defaults to a primary driver usually)

You should have the gaming software on your task bar.Have a fiddle with that also the speaker slide bar may need adjusting

One thing though.There’s a known bug in that sometimes you have to take out & back in the usb cable.

You have a great headset & once sorted have a poke at the different voices you can use (squirrel in a helmet voice is a squeal)

(Silv3rLight) #3

I feel stupid. I just had to select it from the audio output. Thanks a bunch man :slight_smile: