Nicknames and clan tags in QW?

(Lemming) #21

Why? The characters in the nick will be different. Taking my ingame nick as an example:

^2L^4e^2m^4m^2i^4n^2g is not Lemming, it’s Lemming in alternating green and blue :wink:

(ayatollah) #22

Yes but there are usually limitations as to what characters you can use in usernames, therefore, ^ might not be a viable character. Although my name includes * so I hope the limitations aren’t that strict.

(space) #23

That pretty lame actually. Usually you register you account name, then can have your in game nick anything you want.

That is really, really, lame, that you can’t change your name whenever you wish.

(SKaREO) #24

Why? The characters in the nick will be different. Taking my ingame nick as an example:

^2L^4e^2m^4m^2i^4n^2g is not Lemming, it’s Lemming in alternating green and blue ;)[/quote]
Lemming your sig gives out cookies, that is really strange. Also, why you want your name to be a bunch of colors? Doesn’t that seem sort of unappropriate for the Quake universe? Or does that make you look more deadly? :lol:

That’s another side effect of using a global ranking system. Trust me, it only gets more lame from here on. Get ready for master server disconnects, rank errors, people more likely to use cheats to obtain better stats to brag about on forums, etc, etc. I have a bad feeling in my gut, it looks like BF2142 all over again, and that would be a big problem. :confused:

(Gunsling3r) #25

I’ve preordered and just received my registration code.

I’ve reserved my in game nickname and had an email confirming that which also gave me a link to activate when I get the game (need CD key to activate).

Now, to be honest, the name I use for all my online gaming is Gunslinger, and that is a fairly common name, so now I am wondering if I really have 100% reserved this, or is there gonna be a mad scramble when the game is released to activate the name? :?:

(ayatollah) #26

No you have reserved it, the CD Key just activates the name on the master server, I assume, but yes Gunslinger is yours to keep.

(General.Jung) #27

Hello Forum,

i found in Interview on The Clan-Tag will be added automatically. Look at the last Question.


(Gunsling3r) #28

That’s very interesting.

I take it we have to wait for the game to be released before doing that? And how is that done? Do you just register a Clan on a website somewhere, or actually in the game?

(ayatollah) #29

I would say that there would be a way to register you clan in the game UI. I just hope that the clan names allows more characters than the username apparently does…(For the record VPL need a | we won’t feel complete without it, get to it SD!) :wink:

(ATF Max) #30

Let me understand this when you PreOrder and get to reserve you game tag are they refering to your game name? Lets say my game name is Boon and my clan tag is [KEA] would I reserve Boon or do I reserve [KEA]Boon… ? Now what If I reserver [KEA]Boon and clan [KEA] kicks me out of the clan… am I screwed? or is it like BF2142 where you register your name I.E. Boon and enter any clan tag you choose? :?


(ayatollah) #31

Register your in game name, ie. Boon, you can then pick and choose clan tags in game. As far as I have picked up.

(Tejstar) #32

I’ve registered my name. Will I be able to assign colours to this name on release?

I’m not talking about the clan side.

(signofzeta) #33

yeah, that was what I was thinking. Do we add the colors in later? Because I don’t want my name to have ^ and numbers in them. Also, I hope there is a way to edit the name without buying another game, as in change your name. I know my name is kept, but some people might have made mistakes when they did the preorder name thing.

I also hope that the name you designated will not be stuck with you forever, or maybe the sign in name is stuck with you forever, and the in game names can be changed to whatever you want.

(Gringo) #34

I think u can put that colours in later. At least what my sources tell me!

(M8DNanite) #35

About colours and clantags are answered on the first page dudes…

(signofzeta) #36

I still feel that being unable to change your in game name, not the sign in name, the one people see, is kinda dumb.

(Gringo) #37

Ur dumb :smiley:

Seriously tho I dont think it a bad idea. At least u’ll know who ur playin with all the time.

(Diecast5) #38

Well in my days as a SA Admin of Tribes 2 servers for 5 years, there is a way to band and un-band player , it a GUI Game Account , that is the way to band them form multi IPs whan there cheating they get the band , and they have to go out and buy a another account , and another , another , if they want to keep on buying ET-QW so be it , even though we can not band them from there multi IPs witch I think is Bull and lame I just wish player would think of just play the game the way it is nuff sead .

(signofzeta) #39

Yeah, but a single quake wars isn’t necessarily always associated with one person. I have others in the house that would also like to play the game and don’t like to use MY name. So if I can sign in using my username, then they can change my in game name.

All the banning stuff and logs would lead back to my own username. Hopefully you can create another username account thing without buying another game because in BF2142, I think you can create another signin account, and within one account, you can have as many names as you want.

(Gringo) #40

Aye, I guess that makes sense. I know I wouldnt want anyone to be playin as me and disgracing my good name. Thats my job.

Btw, tell the cheapo’s in ur house to get themselves a rig. Tbh u wouldnt want them to be stealing ur QW time now would yeah?