Next Stop?

(KINONEZ21) #1

I think including a new city such as Rio was a great idea for this game, now we have this new design with the wolrd map and a schuttle for online matches. Which city would you like to see next?

(Ciakgb) #2

I say Japan with some Samuri type characters–here’s a twist, how about a martial artist with no weapon but his/her hands? 3 squad points, of course:)

(KINONEZ21) #3

Japan sounds great, although I would like to see venice, I like the idea of a floded map, with several bridges. A martial artist sounds instresting although I wouldn’t like any player of three squad points, it would be too OP :confused:

(TruGamer97) #4

Why Moscow of course.

(KINONEZ21) #5

How do you picture the moscow map?

(Sandman77) #6

South Africa with tons of slums, a toon that has a spear and shield to cover unit beside him when that unit is fired upon!

(g00n) #7
  1. Cape Town or Jo burg
  2. Tokyo or Bangkok
  3. New York or San Francisco
  4. Cairo or Tunis
  5. St Petersburg or Moscow (winter)
  6. Paris or Rome
    I like to see Bruges or Venice as a tag team larger one off maps for like capture either flag type game where up to four players go at it to dominate map or work with another team to capture each spawn area as well as middle but 3 turn hold? Brain storming.

(KINONEZ21) #8

If we go anywhere in africa I would like to Egypt, would be cool to have a small melee stage with the pyramids in the background, And I would like to see a snowy stage, so Moscow would be a freat choise, Paris and Rome sound awsome, but I was thinking about Sydney and Tokio. Idk I just really what to see a stage surrounded by water.

  1. Venice- a big stage full with bridges and small pasages, it would be a balance between snipers and melee’s
  2. Sydney- a medium stage with the harbor in the background
  3. Tokyo- a small stage next to the beach decorated with fancy typical oriental houses.

(iamloneliness) #9

Bangkok, Thailand :slight_smile:

(KINONEZ21) #10

Nice!! How do you picture the stage?

(Shiek93) #11

[QUOTE=KINONEZ21;441815] Idk I just really what to see a stage surrounded by water.

  1. Venice- a big stage full with bridges and small pasages, it would be a balance between snipers and melee’s
  2. Sydney- a medium stage with the harbor in the background
  3. Tokio- a small stage next to the beach decorated with fancy typical oriental houses.[/QUOTE]

You sir have awsome ideas, I’d like to see a floded map as well :wink:

(KINONEZ21) #12

Thanks bro, what about you, what are your ideas?

(Shiek93) #13

I was also thinking Venice, but idk maybe paris would be cool to

(Shiek93) #14

Yeah, like in the next update, they should add more missions for both london and rio, and then the new city, hopefully venice, with three new maps and another expansion with another three new maps and missions, just like they did now!! And @Kionez21 you just make like a poll, that said like, idk next stop? And the options, venice, sidney, tokio, rome, moscow, etc…

(KINONEZ21) #15

Yeah, that’s preety much the idea, but don’t think a poll would be the best way, since many could have other ideas that are not included

(Ian87) #16

Nice, I was thinking to go somewhere in centro americo, like chipas (Mexico) so we could include a map from ancient civilizations like the Mayas or the Incas

(Shiek93) #17

Really? Central america, they are already covering a tropocal area which is Rio, mexico is not needed

(g00n) #18

Oh I forgot to add my hometown “Wellington” ;p
It has a few interesting ideas for maps. With beehive down to Cuba st around the bucket fountain, botanical gardens, waterfront and Te papa. Out in one of the bays or Te aro valley to name few.

(KINONEZ21) #19

Nice! Is that in New Zeland?

(Ian87) #20

Hey anyone should be hable to state their own oppinion, you dn’t habe to agree with it, but their are certain ways of disagreing