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(gee666) #41

That bit in bold…hmmmm…that would be AWSOME

Have a banana :stroggbanana:

(Aristotle) #42

Which one? The original made back in 99 or the one that came out in 2010?

I haven’t played the new one but I was a huge fan of the original and it’s sequel, probably my favorite FPS that I’ve played.

(Dthy) #43

[QUOTE=Aristotle;262650]Which one? The original made back in 99 or the one that came out in 2010?

I haven’t played the new one but I was a huge fan of the original and it’s sequel, probably my favorite FPS that I’ve played.[/QUOTE]

Played the new one on PS3 before it broke -.- Playing as Alien is almost impossible. First Person Alien + Wall/Ceiling Sprinting = Motion Sickness :S

(Aristotle) #44

hahah should have seen the runners back in the original, the really small super fast buggers.

(Exedore) #45

I loved it. Best things were spiral-strafing (charging down a marine or predator in a corridor, spinning around the walls/ceiling/floor), and just dropping down on somebody from a really high ceiling point and thrashing them. Good times!

(MoP) #46

Yeah, original AvP was amazing fun, in both SP and MP… playing as Marine was properly scary, playing as Alien was hugely fun and original.
Predator always felt a bit “meh” to me in that game, though, because he was kinda overpowered due to all the weaponry/view modes. Less interesting to play as Predator because it was easier to survive as him, IMHO.

I think there are plenty of people at SD who would love to work on a good AvP game :slight_smile:

(.Chris.) #47

Not so long ago I posted an idea about a Metroid spin off MP game that was basically Galactic Federation vs Space Pirates. It was similar idea to ET:QW minus the vehicles and there was a bigger difference between how the teams played, the feds been human would just play as normal and rely on a variety of weapons but the pirates been aliens would be able to navigate the maps differently been able to climb walls and ceilings and such and jump around a lot more but carry less fire power as a result which makes them rely more on melee attacks instead, pretty much like the Prime games.

(Cankor) #48

Original AVP2 fan as well, didn’t play it too much in multi-player, got it much later in bargain bin. So didn’t do much multi-player except with my two kids where each of us would be one species.

The SP was nice and scary, MP was lots of fun for the little I got to play it. I was looking forward to the sequel but didn’t buy it because of it’s poor reception.

(sereNADE) #49

Oh yeah, i was talking about the most recent AvP game. Heck, while we are at it… can we imagine if SD made the AvP movies too?

Also, I have no doubt if SD went at a metroidvania it would outshine shadow complex (hurr).

(Weapuh) #50

Civ V expansion where you can be Strogg civ, no democracy, no trading, just turning people into Gooey stroyent! mmmm

(brbrbr) #51

ie, middle east sim ?
more stroyent/oil for stroggs/gdf forces ?

(grace0822) #52

Whoa! where’s the war? Haha… If you want a splash damage, go use a shotgun.

(daz2007) #53

Timesplitters 4 : Enemy Territory

(Dragnadh) #54

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2

(Nail) #55

Quake Wars:In the Sky

(Herandar) #56

A tapir-raising simulation: Little Trunk Love.

(Dthy) #57

Enemy Territory: Minecraft Wars

(Pytox) #58

:stroggtapir::stroggtapir: TAPIR VS STROGG WARS :oppressor:::infiltrator:

(Dthy) #59

Tapir’s would win easily, they are the chuck norris of the animal kingdom

(rookie1) #60

A Galleon Battleships game .But not one of these small ships seem from bird view but a onboard Highy detailled ship structure with team work crew in MP mode :slight_smile:
I love Galleons but never saw an interesting game with them, they all *****