New trailer out 10/05/06 E3

(SniperSteve) #61

The two hands while giving out ammo/medpacks is an identity thing. BF2 has 2 hands, W:ET has 1.

Personaly I wish it was one handed. In reality, I would rather they work on other things, and not spending a few days adjusting how many hands it takes to throw a medpack.

The medpack did have an odd landing though…
Ahh… The superiorities of single haded support kit distribution…

(Apocalypse) #62

I agree with wat Lanz said. The trailer simply has bad textures. Hands down.

But the in-game footage showed some excellent graphics and smooth gameplay (anyone knows the specs of the PC used?). The pre-scripted revival/extraction animation may seems abit spoofy but I think it’s ok. How else (bosx2) would you want it? Can you suggest a better alternative?

Anyway, I think QW has never claimed its place as an upcoming FPS with superb graphics. You need to check Gears of War, UT2007, Crysis for that. QW is about gameplay rite?

(jimb0) #63

Strange after seing the ingame footage from the E3 chaky cam I actually thought it looked much better than it did in the trailer

I’d have to agree. Maybe the trailer was from an older built or something, but someone colors on the camera footage were much better. Maybe it’s a byproduct of filming a screen. Either way, the trailer almost put me down, until I saw the gameplay footage.

(datoo) #64

Also it’s a multiplayer-only game, which means the graphic shouldn’t be extreme. People with lower-end machines should be able to run the game at acceptable framerates or else it gives too great of an advantage to players on the high-end.

(Apocalypse) #65

Also it’s a multiplayer-only game, which means the graphic shouldn’t be extreme. People with lower-end machines should be able to run the game at acceptable framerates or else it gives too great of an advantage to players on the high-end.[/quote]

Amen to that! :banana:

(bosx2) #66

I want animations like in Condemned or Riddick, real first person. For example in riddick, if you sneak on someone and break his neck, its very realistic animated and adds the feel to it. Things like that, I simply expected animations like these from et:qw (since the 2005 trailer showed ultra excellent animations).
How cool would it be, when the medic would respirate the victim (dont know if thats the correct word for it) or clear a arm or leg and implant a realistic looking syringe. That would give a real unique look to it. One game sets a new level of animation quality, other games simply HAVE to have the same level of animation quality.

I just watched the high def video from and I cant stand how the explosion look. There is a tunnel fight with many explosion here and there. All look ugly as hell. Man Socom 3 has so ultra cool explosion effects (its a damn ps2 game), that even Call of Dutys 2 Explosion looks cheap against socom 3 effects. I really really hope that crew for the effects, starts their job right now.

Also, why is it a disapointment? Because its EVERYWHERE advertised as the next graphical standard. Hyped Megatexture on/in every online/offline mag, screens so cool looking and a 2005 trailer. All that set the hype so high, thats whats shown on E3 it is truly a graphical letdown.

But it looks like fun anyway.

(McAfee) #67

You want nitpicking…

{sarcasm}I think the problem with the in-game footage is that those players suck.
They were all noobs, and didn’t know where to go or what to do.{/sarcasm}

(eRRoLfLyNN) #68

I’ve just watched the one. This game looks / feels better than anything that has existed b4 in these genres, and I haven’t even played it yet. Apart from ET ofc!

I need a new computer :confused:

(Lanz) #69

I get your point and I kind of agree with you. Not that I think it’s a graphical letdown but what hype does to a game, especially when developers help fuel the hype. Like with the megatexture, no it’s not a revolutional technology, but yes it’s one step forward on the way but not the second comming of christ. That’s why I never expect anything from a game until I can see it with my own eyes how it looks and how it plays. Generally speaking, I think they’ve done a helluva jobb making it look good with whatever resource limits they’ve had and made a game that I’ll probably have a lot of fun playing.

(Nail) #70

it’s an alpha, jacked together to show off the gameplay and vehicle development not eye candy, as far as I can tell from viewing the lan footage from E3

(Joe999) #71

imo the graphics look awesome and the game runs absolutely smooth given the lot of data that comes together. but it’s your last sentence that counts. this game is not about graphics, it’s about gameplay. graphics is just a bonus imo. people who only look for leet graphics play the game for a few days or weeks and then head on to the next one which gives them their visual satisfaction. if you want graphics, play 3dmark :slight_smile:

(Bongoboy) #72

As accurately surmised, the gameplay footage for that trailer was captured a while back, and used old textures. The explosions, particles effects etc. are fairly new, but early passes only. We’re pretty much at Alpha, not Beta, certainly not Gold, so hopefully it’ll all look rather better by the time we release : )

(Zyklon) #73

But that’s the truth! :E

(bosx2) #74


I dont get it. Why creating a promotianal video with low res graphics? The idea of the promotional video is to get attention worldwide. You really should have a level of quality, that you can say, the we pass to the public and that not.
I showed the 2005 Trailer maybe to 50 people and they all were stunned. Now I showed the 2006 trailer and a few gameplay vids to a view of them, and bam… attention to the game is lost. :frowning:

(eRRoLfLyNN) #75

They are silleh then

(Gringo) #76

Indeed, it is quite obvious that their existence in life is to waste oxygen. Why is that people look at nothin but graphics ffs. By the time QW is finished they will be perfect. Look at how the game mores and how one could imagine it would feel.

I am well excited by the vids as they provide a sense that QW has an ET feel about it. I aint interested in the graphics cuz i not stupid and know they will be perfect come release.

(kamikazee) #77

How long did it take for Prey to look good?

They better get used to play MP games then.
Let them try W:ET on a LAN, for example. It doesn’t need shiny-brand new-top-of-the-shelf graphics to be fun.

(MadMattUK) #78

The graphics look ace to me, are you watching the right Vid?. The high res’ version is uber uber badger badger!

Far nicer than BF2, and the sheer pace of it all is making me wet my pants already! :slight_smile:

(SniperSteve) #79

I showed the 2005 Trailer maybe to 50 people and they all were stunned. Now I showed the 2006 trailer and a few gameplay vids to a view of them, and bam… attention to the game is lost.

Just let them know the game is still in late Alpha/Early beta. And the Graphics will be better.

(odium) #80

The point he was making is that the graphics USED TO look better, thatn they do now.

Alphas are early yes, but the trailer was pre-alpha.

Although the same happened with Doom 3. All the cool stuff from E3 that year was taken out… I can still remember the death animation when you were killed by a hellknight. Awesome…