New Strogg Logo's

(Strogg) #1

Please delete this post!!!

(RR2DO2) #2

I think a certain company might have some © problems with these. Also - mind downsizing them and linking instead? Thumbnails are your friend.

(Strogg) #3

I dought it since the 90% of the image was from fankit which is public doamin since it was realesed to the public at no charge and the skull is actually public domain. So Im not worried cuz im not selling the images. But if you dont want them on the forums I can delete them it no big deal to me

(senator) #4

No, releasing something for free doesn’t make it public domain, and even public domain doesn’t mean that the author has abandoned his rights on his work.

So, while you are allowed to use the art distributed in the fan-kit, you are not allowed to make some slight modifications to it and than pass it on as your own work. It’s still the property of the author and you have to respect his rights on his work.

(Strogg) #5

No, releasing something for free doesn’t make it public domain, and even public domain doesn’t mean that the author has abandoned his rights on his work.

So, while you are allowed to use the art distributed in the fan-kit, you are not allowed to make some slight modifications to it and than pass it on as your own work. It’s still the property of the author and you have to respect his rights on his work.[/quote]

Ya right read the docs in fan kit ok before you start talking trash…ok?. Better yet here it is.

“These images and assets are copyright Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. They are provided to you for the purpose of creating Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars™ fan websites and other fan imagery, to be freely distributed over the Internet. Any physical reproduction (t-shirts, mugs, hats, etc.) or commercial use of this copyright material is strictly prohibited.”

  1. It does not say anything about 'MODIFICATIONS"
  2. Im not doing any commercial stuff at all.

Have a nice day!!

(Strogg) #6

Ok I promise to make Icons next time ;(

(senator) #7

let me just repeat the most important part of my post: “you are not allowed to … pass it on as your own work”

Which is something you did, and I guess that doesn’t sit to well with the guys who actually created these images in the first place.

You marked the images with you name, thereby claiming it’s property (similar to artists signing their work) without giving credits to the original copyright owner, which is ID (as you rigtfully quoted)

I’m no lawyer, and I really don’t want do dig any deeper into this, but that’s obvious even to me.

(Strogg) #8

no problem ill just delete them no big deal cya

(RR2DO2) #9

I was actually talking about the Punisher logo you were using.