New Mission rates poll

(Mc1412013) #1
  • Xp xp requirements too high
  • Xp requirements too low
  • Credits earned too high
  • Credits earned too low
  • Add rads to the mix

0 voters

(AlbinMatt) #2

I know it might seem more Pay to Win style, but adding a sum of Rads, maybe in 60s, 90a and 120s for certain contracts would certainly be more enticing- though depending on how future content is released, might not be justifiable- and it would make it easier for players to get into the whole Rads as a premium currency thing rather than just having it there for the sake of not directly sapping your Steam wallet.

(Press E) #3

The XP requirements are still too daunting. Even if they gave us significantly more credits for it, seeing a 33,500 combat XP mission isn’t very encouraging, especially when it only increases slightly each match unless you go out of your way to change your playstyle and complete them.

Plus the curve between contract tiers is just stupid. Not sure why they’d even bother doing that

(Mustang) #4

I love that they take a couple of hours to complete, gives me something to work towards for the entirety of my play session.

For 3k2 credits though, which puts it at roughly the same as the base earn rate for just playing the game, so contract rewards could be a little more enticing.

I also agree with the idea that they should be linear, not exponential, take away the 3/3 completion bonus and work it into the contracts themselves if needs be, but exponential just doesn’t feel good, it basically forces you to ignore the first two and only work on the third one.

(bgyoshi) #5

No option for “Fine as is”

Check one for that option, here

(hawkeyeguy99) #6

I don’t see a point honestly in even trying to complete these contracts. All they give are credits which are essentially useless to me because I own all the mercs and there’s nothing to buy with credits that I want or need. There really is no incentive to play DB at all anymore for me besides the gameplay. Which is FINE, but when other games also have great gameplay and give me missions or things to work towards that are actually useful or cool, then heck yeah I’m going to play those instead. Ever since contracts were introduced I have played maybe a total of 3 hours of DB and none of my play sessions have lasted longer than 2 matches because I see I’ve made little to no progress towards completing a contract.

Not only that, but the re-roll system is exhausting. I feel no accomplishment in finally completing the contracts because as soon as I do there are another 3 just waiting for me. There’s no natural breaks anymore unless if you’re batshit crazy and play enough to run out of re-rolls every day because that’s insane. They want continuous, long play sessions and I’m just not down for that. That’s not how I like to play online multiplayer games. The only games I binge are single player story based. This update had the exact opposite of the intended effect unfortunately for me. I would LOVE it if they just reversed the whole contracts thing entirely or majorly re-work them.

(Begin2018) #7

Really need a way to get Rads because getting Credits and Fragments never been a problem :

Contracts and Arsenal Crates are just totally useless for old players right now.

(Press E) #8

Rads are supposed to be real money currency though. The devs need to make a living somehow, and giving away rads for free reduces the need to buy them. Honestly I’m actually surprised they’re giving away rads at all in the first place

(hawkeyeguy99) #9

But there’s also no real point to earning credits either. Rads are the only currency worth having in the game because they can buy you everything while credits can’t really do much of anything worthwhile for you. Fortnight gives away V-bucks if you complete the missions, Overwatch gives away free lootboxes every level PLUS 3 a week in arcade wins and yet both of those games are making BANK. You have to give your players a reason to play and placating us with credits that are useless in the late game simply isn’t helping.

(Press E) #10

I’m not saying I like the way that credits and fragments can be used currently, just that giving away the dev’s only source of income is pretty iffy.
And it’s a lot easier to be generous with your players when you already have a massive playerbase

(Press E) #11

Also another thing that I’ve noticed, I keep ending up with a bunch of 800 credit missions and one 1000 credit one, meaning I can finish the first two in 2 or so matches, but the last one takes exponentially longer, so I’m stuck grinding out one mission for 3 or 4 more matches before I can refresh them.

Like, why. Who thought this was a good idea.

(AlbinMatt) #12

I think it would be very beneficial if we made a separate thread about how we as a community would like to see DB monetized, but let’s keep it brief here and just talk in regards to the contracts.

Contracts (or missions) have always been used as a means to keep player retention by adding a tangible goal to the gameplay, as DB has no actual end game. That’s why SD gives us Credits for completing them, this, I think, we can all get behind.

That being said, as @hawkeyeguy99 has pointed out, some vets are accumulating so much wealth that it has decreased in value, while the use of Credits is very, very limited.

Rads, on the other hand, is a fresh, new currency that still has a lot of potential value, but no current market other than as a an alternative to Credits or for some limited trinkets.

I would love to see Rads used more openly. For example, using Rads as the inter-account medium of exchange for skins and such- because using Credits would instantly kill the system as vets just dump warehouses of Creds into the market, basically ensuring inflation before there’s even a system.

To achieve this, we need more ways to get Rads into the system other than just cold hard cash so that new ish players can get into things quicker. Clamp Rads rewards or limit them to a re-rolled contract/ converting the contract reward to ensure that Rads don’t pour in as well.

(hawkeyeguy99) #13

To be completely fair to the devs who I’m sure are trying their best (even if it frustrates us) they are giving away around 120 rads a week for free IF you log in and play a match daily. So feasibly you could earn 1 case key every 5 weeks or so. But as I said earlier, that grind is insanely long compared to DB’s larger competition which again to be fair as @STARRYSOCK said, their larger size enables them to do so without losing too much potential income.

I think my main problem with the current direction of DB and the direction of earning items in game since I started is that SD seems to think making grinds longer is the answer to getting players to play more. I think it should be just the opposite. Make the grinds much shorter and to compensate make the rewards smaller. Then provide avenues to get that item you REALLY want, (rads, credits, fragments, whatever) so that players feel rewarded for playing no matter how long they are in-game for. A steady stream of small rewards is better than larger rewards that take hours to achieve for player retention.

(AlbinMatt) #14

Making everything smaller- both requirements and rewards- is dangerous, I’d say. Downsizing the contracts is definitely a good way to start, but I feel like a progressive system that can be built up and refresh regularly would fit in much better.

Look at it this way, when have yiuever played DB overnight for like six hours straight? If you value your sanity and health, I hope rarely, but in any case, Dirty Bomb isn’t made for a binge game, it’s made for streaks that go on till you finish your mission, match, or give up from fatigue, which is usually about an hour to three at most. You might be a hardier type of fellow, but when I play on servers, folks usually start dropping out after the third or fourth match.

This means that rather than forcing players to treat DB like some kind of MMO split into thirty minute chunks, we should try and make people that play DB for short and sweet bites in daily intervals for those students or working parents. After that, the players with more free time can have it their way with more rewards but with more demanding challenges. Y’all can work the numbers way better than I can, but having, say, 50k Support XP reward you 20k Credits and if you can also snatch in 30k Combat XP in two hours after that, you get a free roll at a Silver Card.

Someone had also made a nice and simple thread somewhere suggesting that badge XP should count towards contracts as to encourage people to git gud as the badges are quite well designed and unintrusive in my opinion. That way, you can demand, say, two Godlikes within an hour and you can choose a merc to roll an Urban/Carbon card for.

I still have no idea on how to add a dumpster for the Credits Conglomerates (other than blasĂŞ skins or trinkets) but that is a serious consideration.

TL;DR, Make daily rewards more rewarding (maybe by having Rads more often but less plentiful) and amke missions tougher yet more rewarding. Also, allow badges to contribute to said contracts to encourage people to actually git gud.

Also, lemme campaign this again even though it doesn’t fit too well i.n here: SD, reset or overhaul the levels, seriously it’s useless now. I met a Kwikshkop Vaseline missing every one of his shot and tossing sensors in odd spots. I got killed by him later on, and he was a level 130…

Oh fantastic, I just wrote an essay and forgot to actually quote it. Hi @hawkeyeguy99

(Teflon Love) #15

No option for “utterly pointless” either, which would have been my preferred choice.

DB has a long history of pointless systems nobody cares about. Be it crafting silver and gold cards or fragment cases that have to be opened for no apparent reason.

Playing a stopwatch match gives about the same amount of credits you get for the first a contract (about 800 give or take). So if I want the amount of credits I would get for the final contract (1000 + 500), I just play 2 Stopwatch matches. Best of all, I can play these matches any way I like and don’t have to focus on a specific kind of XP.

When introducing the contracts @Smooth explained that they did not want players to finish their missions and disconnect. Back then, I regularly remained in the game 30-60 minutes longer than I had planned to complete “only one more” set of missions.

Now I don’t even look at the contracts and just quit whenever I like.

Works as intended™ I suppose.

(DB Genome editor) #16

This summarizes perfectly my relation with the new contracts vs old missions.

(bgyoshi) #17

Guess we can’t always get what we want, can we?

(Teflon Love) #18

Certainly not in polls created by Mr. “There’s only black and white but no grey” @Mc1412013 :smile:.

(Mc1412013) #19

It was an oversight

(Nail) #20
