New DM map in the works: Emotional Wreck

(Kuroshi) #41

Love the map. A couple things I’ve noticed: Some of the door sound effects will trigger without the associated door opening. Also, one of the doors in the chainsaw hallway moves visibly out through the rock wall.

(b4llz) #42

Kuroshi beat me to it. ^^

Other than this one door opening thru solid rock and the Imp’s lighting looking suspicious (yellow lighting appears to be above him but the light source appears to be either below him or the overhead light source is the wrong color), this map looks great! I just wish more people would dload the map so they could play it when I’m running it on my server.

Great 1st map for d3!!! :clap:

(Zombie13) #43

bugger, I guess you can still never find everything, even with the testers , thanks man :slight_smile:


(ojax) #44

hehe in the lava room where one climbs the stairs on that walkway, if one looks above, you have put some venting up there… well I rocket jumped up there, and saw that you never textured the top of the vent shaft… so it looked like I was walking on air :stuck_out_tongue:

trust me to find the most obscure place to hide / sit :smiley:


(Zombie13) #45

heheheh, never thought some tricky person would rocket jump up there, but I should never put it past you guys :smiley:

/me clips ALL areas like that in future :stuck_out_tongue:


(DumpTruck) #46

I walked around for about 15 minutes admiring the work. Now I’m looking forawrd to playing it… she’s a looker Zombie!

(def46) #47

I played your map on the net, woudl you believe it, a german server was using custom maps

^3Custom Maps #1 ^2-@- ^4 ----

The map seemed a bit heavy on FPS in places. I think the Rocket Launcher was too easy to get to. That’s basically all the gameplay revolved around. Then I noticed those dark corners at the doorway, so I sat there until the RL spawned and had a few cheap frags while hidden in the corner, just to take my revenge. :stuck_out_tongue: The map has a lot of nice spots, seemed like you had lots of fun making it, but it was probably a bit too ‘unfocused’ as a DM map. The RL problem is not really your fault I see it over-used everywhere, although placing it differently might help balance the gameplay for the time being (hoping Id fixes it). Also the lighting seemed dark overall compared to, say, D3DM2. Best looking map I played so far.