New Dev Video: Have You Seen This Merc?

(Chris Mullins) #1

Hey all!

Turtle has entered the building…

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(XP_Expert) #2

I want jaust say this.

(GatoCommodore) #3

SMG-9 and Smuth and wessen

(Mc1412013) #4

So now that turtle is finaly a thing. Let me be the first to start the




Wooooooo! :slight_smile:

(pumpkinmeerkat) #6

(hawkeyeguy99) #7

Looks like we finally have a definition to Soon™ :smiley:

(Mc1412013) #8

Well at least all the original mercs that were already designed are done being released now. Can u guys focus on fixing the damn ballance and other bugs and get the game out of beta???

(bgyoshi) #9

(frostyvampire) #10

Am I dreaming?

(Your worst knifemare.) #11

Praise RNGsus! Our savior has finally come.

Now bushys turret will be unstoppable.

(SaulWolfden) #12

SMG-9 is exactly one of the weapons I expected him to get. Hope it’s his ONLY automatic weapon and his other weapons are BR16 and a shotgun or the Dreiss.

(Mc1412013) #13

@Lord_Coctus said:
Praise RNGsus! Our savior has finally come.

Now bushys turret will be unstoppable.

Im more woried about stacking sheilds in front of rhino at an aura station and all the sniper nests being formed and how does f.f work does teamates nades,moltovs take it out too.
And thats gonna make nadi g the gen in bridge that mutch harder.

but hay least they kept his sheild an acutal sheild. Instead of what they did to aimee’s 3rd eye.

Cough overwatch cough reindhardt sheild cough

(Sithas) #14

FIrst you posted the vault video where you showed that you made a new map way faster then dockyard.
And now you release turtle…
Alright who are you guys and what the hell did you do with SD?

(Mc1412013) #15

@Sithas said:
FIrst you posted the vault video where you showed that you made a almost finished new map way faster then dockyard. And now you release turtle…
Alright who are you guys and what the hell did you do with SD?

Proxy and the rest of the mercs finaly infiltrated nexo… i mean jackels base, and freed the devs from nexo… i mean jackels capture. Leading to more devs to work on things

(MarsRover) #16

Oh wow, you totally sturtled me with this announcement.

(Xenithos) #17

Turtle’s finally out of his shell. sniff

(stewert21) #18

is it true that Turtle is Turkish? :wink:

(VincentRJaeger) #19

Boi, I look forward to playing DB with ~ten turtles per match.

(Your worst knifemare.) #20

@Mc1412013 said:

Im more woried about stacking sheilds in front of rhino at an aura station and all the sniper nests being formed and how does f.f work does teamates nades,moltovs take it out too.
And thats gonna make nadi g the gen in bridge that mutch harder.

Im just going to assume that ff will still let you shoot through the sheild and would only matter if your that 1 dumb Nader or Stoker who plops their ability right next to the generator.