New Dev Video: Have You Seen This Merc?

(xSil3nt) #21

Jokes aside, great work SD, you guys are legends!

(GatoCommodore) #22

@SaulWolfden said:
SMG-9 is exactly one of the weapons I expected him to get. Hope it’s his ONLY automatic weapon and his other weapons are BR16 and a shotgun or the Dreiss.

its Kek-10 and Hochfir

SD has abandoned us

(ThePigVomit) #23

@Mc1412013 said:

@Lord_Coctus said:
Praise RNGsus! Our savior has finally come.

Now bushys turret will be unstoppable.

Im more woried about stacking sheilds in front of rhino at an aura station and all the sniper nests being formed and how does f.f work does teamates nades,moltovs take it out too.
And thats gonna make nadi g the gen in bridge that mutch harder.

but hay least they kept his sheild an acutal sheild. Instead of what they did to aimee’s 3rd eye.

Cough overwatch cough reindhardt sheild cough

It takes but one single phantom to nullify it all.

(Xenithos) #24

@ThePigVomit said:

@Mc1412013 said:

@Lord_Coctus said:
Praise RNGsus! Our savior has finally come.

Now bushys turret will be unstoppable.

Im more woried about stacking sheilds in front of rhino at an aura station and all the sniper nests being formed and how does f.f work does teamates nades,moltovs take it out too.
And thats gonna make nadi g the gen in bridge that mutch harder.

but hay least they kept his sheild an acutal sheild. Instead of what they did to aimee’s 3rd eye.

Cough overwatch cough reindhardt sheild cough

It takes but one single phantom to nullify it all.

I keep telling everyone Phantom is the BEST.

(ThePigVomit) #25

@Xenithos said:

@ThePigVomit said:

@Mc1412013 said:

@Lord_Coctus said:
Praise RNGsus! Our savior has finally come.

Now bushys turret will be unstoppable.

Im more woried about stacking sheilds in front of rhino at an aura station and all the sniper nests being formed and how does f.f work does teamates nades,moltovs take it out too.
And thats gonna make nadi g the gen in bridge that mutch harder.

but hay least they kept his sheild an acutal sheild. Instead of what they did to aimee’s 3rd eye.

Cough overwatch cough reindhardt sheild cough

It takes but one single phantom to nullify it all.

I keep telling everyone Phantom is the BEST.

Phantom has his points…problem is, very few that can actually take advantage.

I’m a crap phantom. I know the theory…the practice is a different story.

(VincentRJaeger) #26

@ThePigVomit said:

@Xenithos said:

@ThePigVomit said:

@Mc1412013 said:

@Lord_Coctus said:
Praise RNGsus! Our savior has finally come.

Now bushys turret will be unstoppable.

Im more woried about stacking sheilds in front of rhino at an aura station and all the sniper nests being formed and how does f.f work does teamates nades,moltovs take it out too.
And thats gonna make nadi g the gen in bridge that mutch harder.

but hay least they kept his sheild an acutal sheild. Instead of what they did to aimee’s 3rd eye.

Cough overwatch cough reindhardt sheild cough

It takes but one single phantom to nullify it all.

I keep telling everyone Phantom is the BEST.

Phantom has his points…problem is, very few that can actually take advantage.

I’m a crap phantom. I know the theory…the practice is a different story.

Will definetly be interesting to see how Phantom will be seen post-release. Maybe even make him more viable in general. Passive Buffs yay!
Or atleast perhaps highlight what to do with Phantom or the EMP ability generally speaking.

I for one however, am looking forward to the Concblock that shields do to Thunder.

(Trestos) #27

Is the release on 11th or 13th of July?

(stewert21) #28

probably 11
just going off of Overwatche’s release considering how they essentially fallow the same time scheduled and how thy usually release updates on Tuesdays