New dev update - Melee skins and real money currency - Your thoughts?

(Press E) #1

So, I’ve heard a lot of mixed opinions from my friends on the recent dev update. Personally I really like the look of it, but I’m curious what everyone else thinks.

Some notable points mentioned in the vid:

  • No more ask the dev videos. Imo this isn’t much of a big deal, since they usually just repeated the same info we’ve already heard anyways.
  • Skins for melee weapons. It seems some will be free and others can be bought via credits through the store. All of them seem to have a solid mirror finish on them though, none of the skins they showed had any patterns or details, even on the handle.
  • Rads, a paid currency with real money. Basically meant to replace everything that costs real money in game. It’s still very expensive though, and you don’t get much without paying. Only 60 twice a week through daily play and 400-1,200 through an arsenal crate. Weapon and crafting kits are also dissolved into rads.
  • SD is still happy with phantom, even though he keeps popping up as a top player reported issue.

My thoughts on this? I actually like it. Melee skins are something I’ve been wanting for a long time. Although most of them look boring and ugly, we might get some better ones in the future. Real money currency is eh, but the game is free after all. Not to mention we can get it in game. I’m annoyed the devs are still ignoring phantom though (big surprise, I know). Regardless of whether you think he’s balanced or not, there’s still a lot of people who hate playing as him and playing against him. And since the whole point of the rework was to make him less annoying to play against, I wouldn’t say he’s in a great spot now.
But what are your thoughts?

(Splicerrr) #2

The weapon skins are just shinies :c I was hoping for cool designs but oh well. I like the idea of the new currency. It provides the hardcore f2p people a way of obtaining stuff that can only be obtainable with money. Although of course it would take a while. I was hoping for a better way for obtaining weapon kits, but considering that they will be introducing a new loadout system, it would probably just remove weapon kits.

(ThePigVomit) #3

It’ll be interesting to see what the actual RAD conversation rate will be.

As I’m not a gozillionare I won’t get tons off the bat, but I do have 28 weapon kits that ‘should’ give me a good start.

Yay for weapon skins.

Now if only they would get the skin polishing figured out…

(kopyright) #4

I don’t see a problem with Rads, especially when they also replace kits which I never used anyway. Not to mention that at the end of the day it’s only for cosmetics anyway and does not influence gameplay.

So yeah, I like this too.

(Xenithos) #5

I am SOOOO 100% behind Rads, I don’t know why it took them so long to go mobile game forumla, GOSH.

In all honestly, I really am looking forward to this, I’d probably up the rads gain on the last day to 90 instead of 60 for the daily login rewards. This way players are making a solid 50 cents worth of in game progress every week by signing in, playing, and completing rewards WITHOUT the aresenal create even being involved.

I really, REALLY like the way this is going, Splash Damage just has to make sure they don’t fudge up the dx11 or loadouts revisions patches. I honestly have been saying that having a money currency in game and getting rid of direct purchasing cleans EVERYTHING up, and it shows that they’re finally doing it.

(Pumpkiller) #6

Neat, another ad for their paid content with the added cancer of paid scam alt currencies that you can “freely grind” at a retarded snail pace. How thoughtful of them to hype the full release of DB like this, EA would be proud.

Sounds like the greatest possible timing for that, 2/3 of the merc pool is downright useless in ranked and phantom is totally fixed. Looks like the game is completly comp-ready.

I don’t want to raise torches at the game but wow.

(Mc1412013) #7

I hope they added ability to use fragments on the new skins cuz weapons skins i would craft as each skin is locked to one deck, and i only use obsidians and event cards so crafting cards are useless to me.

Also why are the devs avoiding the forums. One of the devs or shoe always posts weekly vid here and its been 7 days and not one word from them.

(ThePigVomit) #8

@Pumpkiller said:
Neat, another ad for their paid content with the added cancer of paid scam alt currencies that you can “freely grind” at a retarded snail pace. How thoughtful of them to hype the full release of DB like this, EA would be proud.

Sounds like the greatest possible timing for that, 2/3 of the merc pool is downright useless in ranked and phantom is totally fixed. Looks like the game is completly comp-ready.

I don’t want to raise torches at the game but wow.

Devs gotta eat. Why you begrudging Shoe a sandwich???


(Mc1412013) #9

@ThePigVomit said:
Devs gotta eat. Why you begrudging Shoe a sandwich???


Cuz last time we gave shoe a sandwich he complained and refused to eat it because there was the wrong brand of mayo and on it and we left the pickle off the sandwich.

(Pumpkiller) #10

@ThePigVomit said:
Devs gotta eat. Why you begrudging Shoe a sandwich???


Meh, at least they should give me a good reason to pay him a big mac instead of doing that repulsive shit.

DB isn’t my tax office as far as i know :b

(Artyrim) #11

Now all I need is katana on Proxy
btw the new money is called rats?

(henki000) #12

Rads? Okay. Melee skins? Good. Server performance control? Amazing.

(Mc1412013) #13

Ok now that weapons all have skins. Can we get skins for the rocket launcher,drone,granade launcher, minigun ect. Would love to have a proxy mine that looks like an actual pancake covered in nuclear syrup.

(Ptiloui) #14

So now there’s a real and understandable reason why xp earned in matches won’t make any difference in our global level progression. Rads seems interesting though. Even more interesting than premium currency we usually have in other games.

As for fragments, I’m pretty sure they mentioned that we’ll may be able to use them to refine weapon skins.

@Splicerrr said:
The weapon skins are just shinies :c I was hoping for cool designs but oh well.

I’m with you on this. I’m already sad that those ranked obsidian skins are just a different texture applied on the base model, compared to the other paid obsidian.

(Press E) #15

@Mc1412013 said:
Ok now that weapons all have skins. Can we get skins for the rocket launcher,drone,granade launcher, minigun ect. Would love to have a proxy mine that looks like an actual pancake covered in nuclear syrup.

I think SD mentioned they had a plan for this, including deployables as well. Though I have no idea where they said it.

I’m not sure if they’ll go as far as to do any mesh changes for deployables though.

(Splicerrr) #16

@Artyrim said:
Now all I need is katana on Proxy
If that ever happens, I am going to quit DB completely.

Proxy Player: "Hmmm lets see what I should do today… jump shotty? Pancake? or KATANA.

(Mc1412013) #17


@Mc1412013 said:
Ok now that weapons all have skins. Can we get skins for the rocket launcher,drone,granade launcher, minigun ect. Would love to have a proxy mine that looks like an actual pancake covered in nuclear syrup.

I think SD mentioned they had a plan for this, including deployables as well. Though I have no idea where they said it.

I’m not sure if they’ll go as far as to do any mesh changes for deployables though.

One could only hope. But i couls still see it given the colors of pancakes and what ever nuclear stuff is colored

(Your worst knifemare.) #18

They had me at the golden axe…

(GatoCommodore) #19


(Press E) #20

@GatoCommodore said:

…which deployable bug?