Need help choosing the next merc to buy? Look here! [Bushwhacker & Thunder]


Hello everyone!

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve noticed quite a few people not really knowing which merc to buy.
That’s why I thought on making a thread containing general information about the mercs.
Each post will contain mercs devided into the five groups: Medic, Assault, Fire Support, Engineer & Recon.
I’ll have a deep look into the abilities of the mercs.
The list will be continued the more mercs I buy and thus get to play.
Info about all the main weapons are found at the last post, structured into several parts.
Second weapons are not included yet.
Please note that there will be a lot of changes. A lot of things will get moved and edited.

I’m happy to see feedback! Do let me know if you think something is not correct.

Let’s start, shall we? :wink:

Newest: Bushwhacker & Thunder!
Next Merc to be added: …




Sawbonez is a medic.
A combat medic, to be more accurate.
He has 110 HP and is 410 fast.
He has access to the following automatic weapons: Crotzni, SMG-9 and Blishlok.
Like every other medic, his abilities is to revive team-mates and heal them.
He can heal himself, too.
And that’s why most people would prefer him as a medic.

With his powerful weapons he is able to make damage and heal himself behind cover.
Sawbonez fights from short to medium range.
He is a great addition to the whole team, dealing out damage and reviving team-mates.
Great! Oh, and he only costs 30k credits…

Note: His medpacks heal his team-mates very fast, that isn’t the case for himself though.
Note2: Do not use a medpack when you are getting shot. The health regain gets canceled.


Sparks is a medic, too.
But she is different, she is based on long range. (Oh, and she costs 50k!)
Let’s first have a look at her medpacks.
She also has medpacks but they are quite different.
Obviously they are a lot smaller and thus they heal less.
But they heal instantly, you don’t have to wait a few seconds.
The same goes with Sparks herself, they heal her instantly, too.

The reason for Sparks being long ranged is her reviver.
She is able to revive team-mates from far ahead, without actually being close.
That gains her and her team a massive advantage as she can just sit back and literally “snipe” her team-mates.
Nevertheless there are downsides to this.
Firstly, she only has 80 HP and thus belonging to the fastest mercs ingame with a speed of 470.
Secondly, her main weapons are secondaries for other mercs.
That said Sparks is definitely not a combat Medic as Sawbonez is.

However, her reviver isn’t only used to revive team-mates, but also to damage enemies.
So she is not entirely useless for combat. She just has her weaknesses.
First we need to have a look at the reviver itself though.
It has two bars. The right one is the energy one and the left one is the charge bar.
If you charge it to its maximum it deals quite some damage on a headshot.
It can then kill a full health Vassili (100 HP) or mercs under that line.
The more you charge it, the more energy drains.
Obviously if you don’t charge it, the energy refills again.
Once you’ve used up all your energy the gun breaks and you have to wait for a few seconds until it’s refreshed again.
Because of that it makes timing your shots quite difficult at first.
You’ll need to learn when to start charging it.

Sparks is a great medic.
Having her can actually decide between win and lose.



Like Sawbonez and Sparks, Phoenix is a medic.
Like every other medic, his abilities is to revive team-mates and heal them.
He has 100 HP and 430 speed.
Along that, he is the first merc having three abilities.
He also has three great weapons to choose from being the Crotzni, Kek-10 and hochfir.
Let’s start with the fact that he is a mix of Sawbonez and Aura.

Now why did I write that he’s a mix of Sawbonez and Aura…?
The reason is that his stats are almost identical to Sawbonez and one of his abilities is similar to a walking healing station. Be aware though, it’s not really a healing station.
Let’s first look at the general stuff.

Just like Sawbonez and Aura, he has paddles to revive a team-mate.
That’s ability number one.

His second ability is a healing pulse.
Now you gotta imagine it like a health station.
It gives every team-mate being around it health.
Same with the healing pulse.
The pulse can be charged.
The longer you charge it, the more health it gives.
The cooldown is depending on how long you charge it, too.
It’s a great ability to heal multiply team-mates asap.

Now let’s look at his third and final ability being a context one.
When you fall and you aren’t finished, hold F to self revive.
Yes, you read that correctly. Phoenix can self revive.
It’s a pretty neat ability. Let’s say you are in the middle of a fire fight with your team-mates.
You suddenly fall, revive yourself and revive the other fallen team-mates.
It’s also useful at distance, as the enemy won’t be fast enough to come and finish you.
You may even fall somewhere near a wall where finishing you with bullets won’t be fast enough either.
Use it wise, however. It has a cool down of one minute.
He wants 50k credits for his work.

Phoenix is a great allround medic.
Fighting, reviving team-mates and himself!




Her name says it all. She uses grenades. A lot of them. And costs 50k credits.
She has 120 HP and 430 speed.
She shares her weapons collection with Sawbonez almost identical, difference being the hochfir.
Now let’s look at her abilities.

The grenade launcher.
She is able to fire five grenades from her grenade launcher.
After they are all used, she needs to wait until the cooldown is done.
Their damage is fine, dealing some massive upon a direct hit (killing light mercs instantly).
When fired, it explodes after a short amount of time.
They can almost act like cooked grenades from Fragger when they fly the right amount of time.

The counter to aura stations and camping people.


You lost the fight and are lying on the ground, waiting to get finished or to press K.
Instead, you press F when you are about to get knifed.
This will drop a grenade killing everyone upon a direct hit (except rhino).
Players being not aware of it will fall to it, multiply times.
In almost all cases you won’t be able to use it against players who know about martyrdom.
They will just shoot you from distance.

Note: You can also long jump to get out of martyrdom’s death reach, you’ll most likely be damaged but alive.


His name reveals him too. Just as Nader, he uses grenades. They are different though.
Let’s first look at himself.
A lot of people say Fragger is the best fighter aka Assault.
But why? Firstly, Fragger has 150 HP and 385 speed. That’s a lot of HP.
He also has access to the following powerful weapons: The M4A1, the BR-16 and the K-121.
And now comes the cream of all this: A grenade.

This grenade is what marks Fragger.
They do a huge amount of damage when hit and Fragger is able to cook them.
Now what does cooking mean?
Cooking is, when a Fragger holds the grenade in his hand ticking one, two…
This lets you time the grenade just so it hits people without letting them any time to react.
It requires a bit of practice but once you’ve got the hang of it it’s absolutely deadly.
Use it wise, the cool down is approximately ~17 seconds.

Fragger is a top killer.
If you still search for one, he is awesome.
Nader isn’t bad either, though…



A big man with a big gun. And a big hit box.
It’s Thunder and with his 160 HP he is pretty tanky.
The downside having only 375 speed.
He is able to choose from three powerful weapons being the Stark-AR, the timik-47 and a newly released weapon, the MK46 which is only available to him for the current point of time.
His name represents his ability partly, while you won’t be able to call in a thunder, atleast you can blind your enemies as if a lightning stroke.

Concussion grenades are white - white will your screen be as well if you get one of these in your face.
Thunder has one of them at the time, their cool down is approximately 17 seconds long.
You can avoid them partly by quickly doing a 180° turn before the grenade goes off.
This way you won’t be flashed hard and you can see again.
In case you do get fully flashed, it’s not the end of the world.
Sometimes you can still see your mini map and thus navigate out of the current situation.
You could even try and go on a fight while you are flashed.
I don’t exactly know how you would pull that off but theoretically, it’s possible.

Remember that the concussion grenade doesn’t only blind you.
It also disables any deployables for a short amount of time.
But here we have this question…why would you want to blind mercs or disable deployables if you can outright destroy them by a well cooked frag grenade?
Then again, often times I’ve noticed that a concussion grenade may have been the better choice.
A simple example is an ammo station defending a health station.
What if it acted as a shield and thus blocking off the explosion?
A concussion grenade would have disabled them both, even if only temporarly.


He comes to you with his mini gun… his name is Rhino.
Rhino is a merc with an incredible amount of 200 HP and 360 speed.
If you get caught by surprise in a tight area you are toasted.
Because of his extreme slowness (which can be boosted by using advanced movement techniques) he’s very susceptible to explosions, long range and sniper shots.
There is no reason to run in that corner and hope the mini gun sprays in a different direction you move. And with that we come to his ability.

The mini gun.
You have to charge it and be careful that it doesn’t overheat.
By holding the right mouse click the mini gun stays charged but your movement speed is slower than a turtle and jumping is not possible in that time.
The mini gun has infinite ammo but its spray is insanely high and by shooting too long with it its accuracy drops so low that all bullets fly next your target.
That’s why it’s recommended to use his actual primary weapon as well, being the Ahnuhld-12, the Hollunds 880 or the Remburg 7.

Get an Aura on your side and you’ll be able to hold a position.
He can be pretty effective as long as he has enough support.


Fire support:


Kira is a fire support merc costing 50k credits.
With 90 HP and 440 speed, she is one of the second fastest mercs ingame but rather vulnerable too.
She has access to the following burst & semi auto rifles: Stark AR, BR-16, Dreiss.
Kira can be a powerful merc if you know how to use her.
You will need quite some practice as you have to hit these heads, otherwise you are outclassed by automatic weapons.
Kira reveals her main power outside, at medium to long range.
However, close combat isn’t forbidden as long as you hit the heads.
And here we come to her abilities.

Her ammo station is very helpful.
It will supply your whole team with ammo within seconds and nets you tons of support XP.
If you’re in a hurry, place it, wait a second and pick it up again to gain a fast round of ammo.
It can even be used to block an entrance or act like a bait for a very short amount of time.

Her laser is her identity.
Use it correctly and you’ll be able to wipe out an entire team.
Be aware though. It has its weaknessses.
First, it has a spawn time of around one second.
Obviously it can’t be used indoors.
But the worst thing is that it can’t be moved freely.
For example, you want to move it forward. It won’t move if you just point it in the air.
You need to point it to the ground or to some sort of building to move it.
Also, when you try to spawn the laser while moving on the tracks on trainyard, the spawn timer will actually reset. It’s a bit of a nuisance but still very rewarding.

Note: Enemies can supply ammo from your station too!
Be aware when you place it and pick it up in the right time.
Note2: Recently her speed was nerfed by 2%.


Arty is a recently buffed fire support merc.
He has 120 HP and 400 speed allowing him to tank a few shots.
He shares the exact same weapon collection as Kira has and that’s why the same goes for him:
Hit the heads. You just won’t be very successful otherwise.
His part of the battlefield is also at medium to long range.
Earlier almost nobody played him because he was rather weak.
After the recent patches for him, he isn’t a bad choice anymore.
That’s why we’ll go straight to his abilities now.

Ammo packs are a really great thing.
Like Skyhammer, Arty has ammo packs which almost refill the max amount of ammo you can carry around.
It’s the fastest way to gain ammo as you only have to touch it.

His airstrike is quite different compared to the one Skyhammer has.
Arty’s strike requires to be a lot more precise.
Instead of one, he has two strikes each having a cool down of 20 seconds.
After you have waited the second to call in the airstrike, it shortly arrives and deals high damage in that rather small radius.
And here we have the difference:

Arty has two strikes to precisely pick off people.
Skyhammer has one strike to throw it near a good number of people.

Arty’s strike takes a lot less time to arrive compared to the one Skyhammer has (thanks to the buff).
For example, because of that Arty is able to call in one fast to eliminate enemies who escaped behind a corner.
Skyhammer’s strike is good to get rid of people clumped in a certain area which the strike can reach.
It has more radius but also a bigger call in time and cool down.

If I look and compare both strikes, then the one Skyhammer has is slightly easier to use.
But keep in mind that they both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Oh, and Arty is cheap. He only costs 30k credits.



A man with a good heart…eh, I mean hot heart!
Stoker is a fire support merc with 120 HP and 400 speed.
He has powerful weapons to choose from, being the M4A1, Timik and Stark-AR.
Not only does he have powerful weapons, but also a great area deny ability.

The molotov grenade explodes on contact with anything but air.
With a cool down of 40 seconds and a duration time of around 10 seconds it’s a great tool if you want to deny someone trying to defuse the bomb.
Throw it in a group of enemies and see them trying to run away, some surviving some burning to death.
In general a really cool ability which is fairly self understanding as well.
And you know the best? Unlike the other fire support mercs, Stoker does not need an open sky.

The ammo station is a known ability from Kira.
Place it near your team-mates to supply them and yourselves in seconds.
You can also use it to temporarly block a doorway or let it act as a bait.

Stoker is an awesome merc which has a clear advantage on more closed maps (Underground, Bridge).
Ten seconds area deny and endless ammo, great!






Proxy is an engineer. Like all engineers, she is able to repair, plant and defuse very fast.
With 90 HP and 450 speed, she belongs to the second fastest mercs ingame.
Proxy has the following shotguns to choose from: The Hollunds 880 and the Remburg 7.
Alternatively, you can also choose the Hochfir.
Shotguns are very powerful at close range.
Two well placed shots from a shotgun (varying from the shotgun itself) are enough to kill most mercs, sometimes even one shotting light mercs.
Now let’s see why Proxy is so good overall.

Her ability are two mines.
Uncareful people will net you many, many kills as they continue dying to your mines.
Players are normally in a hurry to defuse the C4 for example and don’t really look at the bomb. They only think about one thing: To defuse this.
And this is the moment your mines come in play.
Place one at the bomb and see people trying to run away once they noticed what’s going on.
The rather short defuse time will kill them and thus you have successfuly defended the bomb. You can also put them at side objectives, at ammo crates or behind a corner.
In these situations, the mines are used defensively.
However, they can also be used attacking.

Run into a group of enemies, start shooting and then randomly deploy a mine.
They most likely haven’t noticed it.
You have two options now.
You continue shooting at them and the mine will trigger after your death or, you shoot the just placed mine when they are somewhere near it.
A good numbers of mercs can’t survive a direct hit of a mine.
Just be careful when your mines get blown up as they damage you too.

Proxy is a wonderful addition to the team.
She easily does the objectives while defending them too.
Aaand… she only costs 30k credits.


Welcome to Fletcher.
Like Proxy, Fletcher is an engineer. He is able to repair, plant and defuse very fast.
With 110 HP and 420 speed, he is good to go.
Flecher uses the Hollunds 880 and the Ahnuhld-12 as shotguns.
He can also choose the Blishlok if he likes.

While Proxy has mines, Fletcher has something else to contribute on the battlefield…
…sticky bombs.
He also has a second abilitiy, the detonator.
It’s being used to explode stickies.

Now as their names indicate, sticky bombs stick.
You can stick them on the ground, on walls and on the roof.
How about you stick them on players, too?
And here is how to be succesful with Fletcher.
Being accurate is the key here.
People have literally no chance to escape your stickies if they are on them.
It’s important that they are very near your enemies when they explode.
They are not done for random hits, do not treat them like Nader grenades.
Their splash damage is just too low.
A direct hit from a sticky bomb deals up to 100 damage though!

Don’t forget that they have no time limit when to explode.
You decide when they do.
Having this knowledge in mind, you could theoretically stick a bomb to someone, run away and explode it twenty seconds later.
Obviously that’s not a very efficient way of killing, but a fun joke.

Use all your three weapons.
With that I mean your primary, your sticky bombs and your secondary.
It happens quite a few times that your sticky bombs damage your enemy almost to death.
Almost. In this case your secondary comes to play.
They are fast firing weapons allowing you to definitely hit your enemy until his death.
I forgot that several times and died because I missed with my primary
When you are flanking your enemy, use your stickies first.
Then you can clean up the rest with your primary (or secondary).
All three are good in different situations, so use them!

Fletcher is a really fun and deadly merc to use.
He requires a bit of practice though and costs 50k credits.

Note: Various players have reported a bug with the stickies randomly disappearing.



Guns are deadly. Turrets as well.
And the man who builds’em up is Bushwhacker.
Just as Fletcher and Proxy, Bushwhacker is an engineer.
He is able to repair, defuse and plant objectives incredible fast.
With 110 HP and 410 speed he is fairly good supplied and ready to go.
His weapon collection consists out of the KEK-10, the SMG-9 and the Blishlok.

If you always wanted to sit back and see the game do the work itself, there you go.
His turret is basically an aim bot.
On line of sight it locks on and starts shooting.
No matter how you try to dodge it won’t miss you.
However, it has fairly low damage so it can be outrun, even destroyed, before you die of it.
Also, corner peaks are an easy method to destroy the turret without taking any damage yourself.
Think of where you could you place your turret.
It should surprise your enemy so that it has enough time to do enough damage.
Places where people often go through without actually looking left and right.
These spots are perfect for your turret.

You can also use it as a temporarly bullet sponge (similar to the ammo station).
It can soak up these few bullets, these two seconds you could need to defuse the bomb.






Phantom belongs to the recons.
With 110 HP and 410 speed he has a good amount of health.
As weapons he is able to choose from the Kek-10 & the Crotzni, the Blishlok being his default.
Now let’s dive right into his ability(s)!

His refractive armor sounds better than it actually is.
Once activated, a bar appears showing the remaining energy.
In this time you are less visible. You are [bnever[/b] fully invisible.
The faster you move, the more visible you get and the more energy drains.

The refractive armor is also able to absorb damage by draining the energy.
Obviously it drains more energy the more damage you take.
When all energy is used, he is fully visible.
He then normally takes damage again.
You can quickly activate the armor and thus soak up a few shots if you should need to escape.

The Katana is not really an ability.
It replaces the knife on half of his loadout cards.
Because no other merc currently has the katana (yet) it kinda marks Phantom.
The Katana is slightly longer. It does 60 on a normal attack and 90 on a lunge attack.

While I was able to stab quite some people in public, that does not mean it will work in a minimum 10 server or competitive.
People there are a lot more cautious, you’ll be easy gunned down if you try to stab someone with the Katana there.

Besides, Phantom’s armor makes a noise.
That said you can hear if a Phantom is somewhere near you.
Also, as I stated above, he is never fully invisible.
Even if you stand completely still, players are able to see you.
This does not mean he is completely useless.
Try to think of a situation where your enemy is shooting at your mates and you are slowly progressing to him.
The enemy is focused on shooting down your mates, he does not think of you.
In this case you may be able to suddenly start shooting and surprise him, assuming it’s a regular public game.

With all that said, if you should buy him, do not only use his Katana.
Even if he is labeled as melee merc, this will not work that good.
It did work before he got nerfed with the pre last fine tuning patch but now it’s quite wanky.
People now notice him pretty well that’s why you could say he is a Bushwacker without the turret and without the engineer skills.

Be aware though, he will receive changes soon.
Update: With the latest fine tuning patch (23.09.2015) he is a lot less visible when walking.

Note: Thanks to TheOrangePhantome for collecting and giving me some info about him.


Vassili is a sniper.
He has 100 HP and 420 speed.
His weapon collection contains the MOA, the FELIX and the PDP.

He has one quite useful ability called the heartbeat sensor.
The heartbeat sensor is, well, a sensor.
It detects enemies in a rather small radius through walls leaving a DETECTED message on the screen.
The game then displays a red marker over their head which can be seen through walls, too.
It’s pretty useful as you can prefire an enemy.
Vassili costs 30k credits.

There isn’t a lot to say here otherwise.
Oh, and hit heads!



He spys with his red eye…something beginnin’ in. BANG!
Just as Phantom and Vassili, Red Eye belongs to the recons.
His weapon collection consists out of the Grandeur, PDP and the semi auto Dreiss.
He has a good amount of 120 HP and 400 speed.
Now let’s have a look at his abilities.

The smoke grenade spawns smoke which lasts around twelve seconds.
Enemies can not see through the smoke (exception is another Red Eye).
Thus you can use it to temporarily hinder enemies’ line of sight.
Enemies being infront of the smoke will also be detected.
Functioning like a heartbeat sensor a red marker will be displayed above their heads.
Besides the red markers, your team-mates can not see through the smoke either.
They can not see if there’s a wall, height difference or other obstacles between the enemy and them.
Be careful when you throw it.

IR Googles are incredible important.
With these a Red Eye is able to see through his and enemies’ smoke.
Combined with the smoke grenade, you can confuse them as they can’t be sure where exactly you are.
They do not last infinitely.

Be aware. His weapons are pretty hard to use.
The Grandeur and the Dreiss were both buffed in the latest fine tuning patch (16.12.2015).













