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Full automatic:
The Crotzni’s good damage and its fire speed makes it a viable weapon.
After the recent two fine tuning patches it got nerfed quite a bit.
The Crotzni & the SMG-9 seem to be on the same floor now.
The SMG-9 is after the nerf of the Crotzni a bit more accurate with less spray.
In terms of damage and fire speed it’s a little bit behind the crotzni.
Its recoil is lower though.
The KEK-10 is a similiar gun compared to the hochfir.
It feels like the gun has is just a tiny bit slower when firing and a tiny bit more damage dealing.
The Blishlok’s fire speed is rather slow but in comparison it has very good damage.
Its accuracy starts to fall after a few shots though.
You need to fire short bursts with it, otherwise you won’t be very successful with it.
Another problem is its scope being some sort of oversized blub.
It’s hard to master with this gun, that’s why most people dislike it.
(Has a cool reload animation though!)
The hochfir is a very fast shooting gun which damage is low.
You need to be close to your enemy, hitting heads otherwise the damage just won’t be enough.
The M4A1 is just a wonderful choice overall.
It has good damage, good accuracy and fine recoil.
Its range effectiveness got nerfed by 5% last fine tuning patch.
The K-121 is a machine gun.
Obviously it does a lot of damage but in comparison for that it’s accuracy is meh.
Still a wonderful gun though.
People prefer it over the M4A1 because of the better perks.
Burst & semi auto rifles:
The BR-16 and the Stark AR are compared to each other almost the exact guns.
The biggest difference are the three more shots on the BR-16 (27) lacking on the Stark (24).
In comparison for that the Stark has an ironsight scope most people seem to be disliking because it blocks your sight.
I personally have found it very helpful. (Burst guns)
The Dreiss’ skill floor is pretty high.
It’s a rather slow firing, massive damage dealing semi auto gun which accuracy is fine for such an damage output.
Might I suggest adding a bit about Kira’s laser designation process? It takes a good second or so, and adds an extra step of annoyance, as going over a curb, railroad track or player resets it. Still rewarding, though.