need flymod help please

(singing_fish) #1

Hi mates,
since there’s no more flymod server out there we decided to make one.
Simply because of all the fun we had in the past :slight_smile:

Well, does somebody know which is the last version?
And which file must be able to download?
We tested a lot. At last we had an error “pure server:nothing to download offered” :rolleyes:
If you connect to the server downloads works.
One *.pk4 will be downloaded before this failure appears -.-

Any Ideas?

Thank you very much!

(taw_m0nsta) #2

(singing_fish) #3

Thank you m0nsta,
we are running a flymod server since a week again :slight_smile:
Now we may compare our Version with ‘yours’.

There is a little problem if you add bots.
They are lazy! From time to time they fly the vehicles of their team (GDF=anansi, Strogg=Tormi) but most of the time they stand around and do nothing.
Well, I am sure they are not in a labour union.

Does anybody know what to do or should we leave them alone and play without bots?

murka and timestar, are you there?

all the best,

(taw_m0nsta) #4

If i am right it was optimized for vanilla maps only. And be more specific that that: Area22, Canyon, Island and Refinery. About the lazy part. Yeh… I gues removing all the other vehicles would help a little. Maybe the maker of BattleStrogg knows how to fix that, since bots on that map always take a flyer. (ps. this flymod mod isn’t my mod)

(murka) #5

Hmm, didn’t i release a version where everyone spawned in vehicles?
I might dig this project up again. I remember working on a scoreboard which does work in a listen server only atm because i couldn’t figure out how to send stuff to clients from code running on server.

EDIT: Kay, i repackaged flymod a6. Linky:

(rUBBEN) #6

GG singing_fish, it rocks ! thx very much

(except the stupid bot who didn’t like us much ;D)

(taw_m0nsta) #7

N1 murka :smiley: I just passed by it and remembered someone posted a question about this mod, I think my Mod collection is pretty much complete now :slight_smile:

(singing_fish) #8

Thank you very much murka.
We’ll install an update at the end of the week.
As rUBBEN says, we had so much fun with your mod.
Very interesting by the way: ShadowToLight ( I am so cool Promod) killed us easily :smiley:


(rUBBEN) #9

Tuuuuuuuut FALSE !

(murka) #10

I saw the flymod server some time ago but later it was offline and is now running dogfights. Did you guys have any issues with the mod? If i remember correctly i ran a wingman competition on that version with no issues.

(singing_fish) #11

uh, you are right murka.
I’ll talk to rasczak, our server manager, what happened to flymod Oo

We had some with your mod but I was off for a few days.

However, I’ll report here :slight_smile:
