Nader Thoughts

(watsyurdeal) #21

Nader seems perfectly balanced except for the fact that direct nade kills don’t gib…why?

Other than that she seems perfectly fair to me, especially since Medics are just absolute monsters with holding areas down, you need heavy firepower like her and Fragger to get people out of their nest.

(Thai-San) #22

I also don’t think she’s overpowered and grenade launcher might not be THE killing device, but It’s denial capabilities are incredible.
Played underground as def yesterday:
The enemy had two or three Naders and as soon as the c4 was planted on the first objective all of them were unloading a continuous stream of grenades through the roof hole. We didn’t have a single chance to get even inside the building. And while this firestorm of explosions flooded the area the attackers build a strong defense around the c4 because explosions are only a visual annoyance for allies.
I’m not a huge fan of friendly fire. But since maps in dirty bomb seem to be covered in explosions 24/7 it might be a good idea. I’ve had enough of teams running through airstrikes like it was a drizzle and shooting at mines just to see the three people who were standing right on it with that “was something?” look on their faces ^^

(watsyurdeal) #23

If Dirty bomb seems that way then maybe the abilities need longer cooldowns, or have specific requirements to get then back.

(GregHouseMD) #24

I keep noticing Nader’s grenades behaving oddly. I just had a grenade hit a surface at an angle, only to bounce back toward me. Physics don’t behave that way, do they?

(umberInlet) #25

Imo, a game isn’t pay to win if everythinh is balanced out, which is what the devs are planning for. The merc rotation also gives you access to practice with every merc, cause you won’t gain skill just by playing the same merc every time.

(bumbertyr) #26

also you can only buy mercs so, no pay to win here.

(hotpinkReel) #27

I think this about sums up my thoughts on Nader. I just started playing on Thursday, and got her on a whim. Immediately after dumping my 50,000 into her, I thought “wait, what if I don’t like this character?” Thankfully I love playing her and its been a blast.

She seems like a very solid side grade to Fragger. He is more tanky, more slow, has a heavier weapon, and two grenades which can be cooked (which makes a big difference!). She has less health, a lighter weapon, but makes up for that with more speed, more grenades, and martyrdom. I’ve seen some people claim Nader is OP, but Fragger bothers me more, personally. I can dodge Nader’s grenades or shut down a Martyrdom, but no such counter exists for a cooked grenade. Though I’m not sure that’s really imbalanced so much as it is annoying. I’ll have to get a stronger feel for the game before I can voice a more solid opinion.

(GregHouseMD) #28

I think people say Nader is OP because they automatically assume explosives of any kind are OP by definition. Fragger and Nader fill different roles, to some degree. Where their roles overlap, Fragger is probably better.

Nader could probably use a buff, if anything. Of course, the moment you mention buffing martyrdom or grenades, people lose their collective minds. Which I suppose I get. Still. I don’t think I’d ever pick her over Fragger if I didn’t like the character and find her more fun to play.

(capriciousParsely) #29

What if Nader had access to a stronger pistol? Might give her some extra firepower when grenades are on cooldown. Or just buff her hp to Skyhammer level.

(joshingPlank) #30

The nader class isn’t OP but it’s extremely annoying. I honestly don’t see why so many companies think explosive classes are a good idea. All it does is provoke rage and take away from the competitive aspect of the game. If i get killed by an airstrike that’s my fault for not listening to the flare. Actual grenades don’t bug me since they have so few of them, but when a nade launcher is able to spam nades in a general direction and take out people by luck it becomes ridiculous. I’m going to stop playing after the execution weekend ends because objective game mode is filled with nothing but who has the most naders on your team. If they limit one nader per team i’d be fine with it but this is a game ruining class.

(hotpinkReel) #31

Having played more, I can’t think of Nader as being more game ruining than Fragger.

Granted, you said annoying. But I suppose the reason I’m not so annoyed by her is similar to the reason that Skyhammer doesn’t bother you; warning. Because I feel like there’s plenty of warning before her grenades explode. There’s usually time to escape, the exception being when I’m completely cornered. I think that if I’ve allowed myself to become so cornered that I’ve become a fish in a barrel, I probably deserve to die.

To be clear, I’m not trying to argue with you. I just don’t understand how Nader would make you drop the game while Fragger wouldn’t. He’s not as spammy, but in capable hands his ability leaves no room for counter play, making him very anti-competitive. With skill you can dodge Nader’s grenades. No amount of skill will save you from a cooked frag tossed from around a corner. Again, this isn’t a defense of Nader. I’m not saying “well Fragger’s worse so it’s okay!” I’m just trying to understand why Fragger bothers you less than Nader. From what I’ve experienced, he seems much worse in comparison, but you’ve been playing longer, so it’s totally possible you’re aware of something I’m not.

(vdll) #32

Getting killed by a random nade spam is truly annoying (way more than being killed by precisely cooked nade), but I don’t think this class is game breaking. Same as Demo in TF2 -you can play him spamy-nooby way, but to be effective against decent opponents, that takes skill and practice.

(joshingPlank) #33

Honestly I haven’t played against many fraggers since I only play execution mode. I might change my view on them if they get more popular in execution. When I meant game ruining I should have said it was game ruining for me. Other people may not mind them as much but the reason I don’t play tf2 is because of how popular explosive classes are.

When I die I want to know the reason I died was because I screwed up not because Joe felt like lobbing random nades over and over hoping he chooses a spot with a player in it. I’m getting those Nam flashbacks from the days when I used to play CoD and every round started with “who’s the lucky person to not get hit by a nube tube at the beginning of the round this time”.

This game has so much potential and to me it feels like them adding explosive classes is going to hurt the game more than help it. Some may find it fun but what’s the point in playing this compared to tf2 if we’re just going to go down that road anyways? Don’t get me wrong this is a thousand times more fun than tf2. In a weekend I hit lvl 7 and I can’t wait till I get home from work to play i just hope they carefully consider what kind of competitive path they choose.

(vdll) #34

I hear you, yet 99% of time you die because you screwed up at some point. Wrong positioning, picking the bad fight, potato aim - after all, you could’ve possibly avoid the peril with some effort. Realising it helped me rage less about unfair game mechanics or cheap tactics. A little.

(Szakalot) #35

Whatcha talking about?

Non-direct-hit nades are extremely easy to dodge, and it takes forever for them to explode. Hell, they’ve been easy to dodge back in the day when they exploded sth like 0.5 faster.

You DID screw up if someone is randomly lobbing nades and you can’t dodge.

You also often DON’T screw up, and yet the opponent will land triple headshots mowing you down instantly.

(joshingPlank) #36

Yeah that’s how I started enjoying other games. I don’t mind getting outgunned at all. Especially getting head shot by Vis I usually just compliment the guy in chat. If you can outgun me I’ll bow to you, adjust my tactic and try again. I love finding rivals >:D

@sza Funny because you were the guy randomly nading over walls. Figures you’d get upset and try to defend your “tactics”. Everytime I played against you you were using the class too. It seems you found your “tactic” and don’t want it taken away.

(GregHouseMD) #37

Szakalot, you’re all right.

I agree, absolutely. Lobbing grenades over a wall ( say on the last point on Chapel ) is not random. It’s easy to make the grenades land in the spot where people always gather. It’s smart to aim for that spot, and others like it. It’s called area denial, and is not just perfectly valid, but completely essential.

If you constantly die to grenades that just appear out of nowhere, consider the possibility that they either saw you without you noticing, or you broke a mirror at some point and have been cursed with bad luck. Because that’s statistically impossible.

(blazingCity) #38

The Nader is not over powered if anything she is under powered here nade regen is to long.

(Szakalot) #39

Nade regen is fine. Nader is just too vulnerable to good shooting. Its very dangerous to pull out the grenade launcher against good players, as they will mow you down, even if you score a direct hit.

If i know someone is good, I’ll either lobby AoE from cover, try to get direct hits around corners like Q3 rocket launcher, or lob the nades at them when they don’t see me. If its a really tight corner you might be fine spamming nades, otherwise pull out that SMG.

(Lumi) #40

Nader is definitely OP, maybe one nader alone shoots 4 nades and then that’s it for a while, but if you have a couple or 3, let alone more of them, then it turns into a shower of nades all over the map and there is nothing you can do. On top of that, martyrdom grenade is just overkill as she already has a very good power.

Even 4 skyhammers aren’t as bad as one can alway see the marker and have plenty of time to escape.

The problem with nader being that her power is exponential with the amount of players using it. Any other merc doesn’t improve the team when using many of them. This is why we need a merc to stop naders in their tracks.

Now, I wouldn’t mind leaving nader as is, but we need a counter pick merc for her and that would be an engineer with an explosive denial station. Kinda like aura’s station, but just designed to intercept grenades and lac-40’s in that certain area, airstrikes and bullets could still take it down. Because I don’t see Fragger as that OP and Nader is defenitely not the way to go against it.