I’d like to see maps allowing more variation. For example:
[li]Different or dynamic environmental conditions such as time of day, weather, indoor lighting.
[/li][li]Different initial spawn locations for the attacking team to vote on during warm up.
[/li][li]Additional capturable spawn points that aren’t necessarily forward.
Other spawn options. This might include:
[li]Better fireteam spawn hosts (or similar spawn mechanic) that can be autoselected by fireteam mates.
[/li][li]Some sort of spawn host like mechanic for GDF, possibly involving airdrops or something that makes it mechanically well differentiated.
Commander role inside the command bunker for the human faction able to use abilities that might include:
[li]Airdropped smoke.
[/li][li]Airdropped hp/ammo crates.
[/li][li]Artillery strikes.
[/li][li]Temporary mg implacements.
[/li][li]Temporary tactical shields.
[/li][li]Light vehicles.
[/li][li]Temporary forward spawn drop beacons.
[/li][li]Ordering troops around.
[/li][li]Only role able to see the opponents’ locations on a HUD map.
The non-human faction could do with some:
[li]Non-humanoid classes
[/li][li]Greater variation in weapon handling and effect from human faction.
[/li][li]Additional movement options. Goes without saying that this includes a grappling hook.
Vehicles could afford some of the following:
[li]Vehicle and deployable spawn rules which dynamically adjust to player count.
[/li][li]Far less vehicle weapon splash damage.
[/li][li]Vehicle physics.
[/li][li]Flyers that need to use strafing runs because they have dramatically reduced munition reload speed, which is not to be confused with rate of fire.
Other things that would be interesting to see:
[li]Increased use of multiple primary objectives (see Sewer objective 2 for why.)
[/li][li]Some class that can deploy jump pads, because walls are overrated.
[/li][li]A tactical shield that blocks projectile weapons but not hitscan weapons.
[/li][li]Personal transport vehicles that have a shield projecting turret rather than a weapon.
[/li][li]The dreaded slowtime field, because this is unreal engine 3 and that’s what unreal engine 3 does…
[/li][li]Flying vehicles that automatically self-destruct after 5 seconds of use and permanently ban whoever’s inside them at the time.
[/li][li]Unpropelled hoverboards for skiing down mountains and fatally faceplanting into trees or walls.
[/li][li]Fighting on a huge landing ship hovering over an active volcano that begins as a huge air battle until the attackers can land and breach the hull.
[/li][li]More bulletpoints.