Multiple objectives

(bobjones) #1

What I’ve seen so far it seems gameplay is going to flow like this

A --> B --> C --> D

Singular, logical flow.

Does this mean there won’t be any multiple objectives?
I remember some of the best times I’ve had in ET is when everyone is spamming one objective, so I’d sneak around and get another one to draw some of their attention.

So it would be more like

A --> B / C --> C / B --> D

Yeah this would be harder to implement into the story, and you would dispurse some of the ‘front line’, but it would add some variety to gameplay which seems like it might become very linear down the line.

Maybe we’ll have to wait for community maps before this is possible?

(Joe999) #2

…the servers will suggest objectives to players based on what the player’s team is doing, what it knows about the enemy, and what the player’s class is. The medic might be sent to revive players, the engineers to build a bridge and the field ops equivalents to call in strikes on enemy defensive deployables. This, Splash Damage hopes, will also serve as a sort of live tutorial for new players.

(bobjones) #3

Ok…lets apply that to a certain objective

Engineers are building a bridge (Objective A)
Medics are reviving people…that are at the bridge, since that’s where most / all of the dead people are (Objective A)
Field ops calling down strikes on enemy deployables…which are preventing the bridge from being built (Objective A)

See what I’m getting at?

Now the first and last objective, that’s the only way to do it…obviously.
But on a map with lets say…5 objectives. It would be nice if a couple of those were interchangable (not on every map, but maybe one or two).

Like, after the bridge is built.
Engineers establish radio transmissions at computer lab (Objective B)
Field ops hack into enemy radio tower (Objective C)

if the enemy is spamming objective B and you cant even get close, concentrate on objective C to get them disoriented.

what’s very likely here is that the maps they haven’t shown very much of, this is how they work. like the ‘night’ maps, and the city map.
seem like there’s alot more sneaking around in those maps, which woudl lend itself with the option of going to more than one objective at a time.

(Joe999) #4

they say it plays like ET. take radar as an example: you have eg the choice of the main and the side entrance. given that and that the maps are 4 times larger than ET maps, you pretty much get what you want.

(B0rsuk) #5

Secondary objectives are confirmed, even for defending team.
I should add that people have enough problems focusing on a single objective.

(Desoxy) #6

There are secondary objectives. Just take ‘Ark’:

And even on ‘Valley’ I saw different paths to reach the objectives/outflank the enemy. For instance, a soldier can plant a heavy explosive charge at the sewer gates which then seem to lead into the last strogg base (reminded me a bit of Fueldump). Explaining all these different possibilities in the tutorial-movies to people who just play the game for 20 minutes on GC/E3 would only have caused confusion… :wink:

(Angel1) #7

I think the qbjectives have been desgined to be completed in sequence so that it consentrates the fighting into one area at a time so that people know where to fight (i think paul said this in recent videos or something along them lines).

It sounds like a good and fair idea to do this because it would spread forces to thin if you had to defend all objectives at the same time altho i do know just what u mean bob ( u sneaky little begger lol).

Im really looking forward to exploring these maps and i really like the idea of sneaking through a sewer to pop up behind then enemy

(bobjones) #8

thanks desoxy, i hadn’t read about that yet. that’s just what i needed to know.

like i said before, i’m really looking forward to the ‘front line’ type gameplay. i think it will be a revolution in where FPS’s are headed.
but when i think about the vast amount of time i’m going to be playing these maps, some variety will be nice (now that i know there is more than just a direct path, i couldn’t be happier).


(kamikazee) #9

The “front line” type gameplay was for sure featured in RtCW and W:ET, though it could appear in a more linear way. Now the concept is just geared towards larger levels.

(bobjones) #10

yeah, it was in W:ET, but that was just a mod. (a very good mod, but still just a mod)

having a front line in a cramped city is alot different from having one in QW maps for more reasons than just size.