Mouse problem

(Primevci) #1

Just got my copy of quake wars and i installed it and updated it but i have a problem when i load my game my mouse automatically moves to the top left and always wants to go there so i cant slect menu options anyone have this problem?

(jopjop) #2

Can you give some more information about the problem.
Does it appear in desktop?
What graphix card are you using?
Are you using some mouse software like setpoint for an example?
With these informations you already gave I’d suggest to try to restart your inputs. Type “in_restart” to your console. I’m pretty sure this wont work but no harm in trying.
I’ve had similar problems in desktop and restarting ATI CCC (Ati catalys control center) graphix card software fixed the problem.

P.S If you don’t know how to open console in game. The game console opens by holding down the CTRL+ALT keys, and pressing ~(TILDE). This is the default key bind

(murka) #3

disconnect joystick/controller

(brbrbr) #4

as murka suggest, unplug other USB devices[except mouse itself, of course] and them start plug it again and launch ETQW to locate “bad” ones.
then put that pesky device on floor and Crush&Tear&Curl it !!
then you can[safely] make fresh, hot, refreshing, cup of CTC© tm tea and relax a bit[before playing some ETQW, do you?].

(Apples) #5

Who need a mouse when you can have controlers?

(light_sh4v0r) #6

yes, I play ETQW on my guitar!

(brbrbr) #7

others can use “controllers”, even [relatively] expensive ones as Track IR 5 Pro or Mind-reading mouses[saw only made on Taiwan and S Korea, devices].

(Slade05) #8

Basiley IS the mindreading mouse.