Although EasyGen is not that easy, it remains the best tool to create topographic landscapes with deep sees and high mountains, for me, at least. There are other techniques that are much harder and time consuming. With EasyGen you must get used to creating a suitable height map with 256 colors and load it with EasyGen and let the application create nice mountains for you. You must do some manual tuning for the EasyGen terrain shader. This is not easy, since the syntax of the q3map2 2.5.16 compiler changed since EasyGen was developed. It is not supported any more. The developer does not work on the project according to what I know. EasyGen 1.42 and q3map2 2.5.16 are not compatible. EasyGen creates a box around the terrain for you and it puts a starting point for the player in the map, if you tell it to do so. You must learn two main things:
- Tune the 256 color gray scale height map and
- Correct the terrain shader script.
If you master these two subjects, EasyGen will be a relatively easy-to-use tool. My map sp_byblosharb is an example, but it was not easy to create. I had to edit the terrain shader manually and several times until it gave me a relatively acceptable result.
Good luck with mapping.