Message For SD: Interview Splash Damage for eSports Research Report

(king_ripz) #1

I am Misha Krug a member from the Dutch eSports Association.

Currently I am writing a research report which is covering:

  1. The history of eSports,
  2. The relationship between the eSports industry and Game Industry (popularity,sale and game lifespan)
  3. The possible opportunities and possibilities that eSports has to offer; now and in the future what the current role of different actors in the field would and could be.

Having said that I am now at the last part of my report number 3.

I am holding different interviews now with different actors from the scene however I would like to know if I could interview Splash Damage. Doing a 35min interview to increase the quality of my report. If you are interested please respond on this topic or send me a pm.

If you would like to know more or think you know somebody who should definitly be interviewed, you can always send me a private message or reply here.

Thanks in advance,

All the help is appreciated.


(badman) #2

PM hurled your way.