Mercs for gather needed! (4on4 - 6on6)

(Rex) #1

Because no one wants to play vs us anymore, we will play vs ourselves now.
But we still need some mercs. If someone from our lineup can´t play.

Reserved slots: 10

We will play promod on a stolen server (because we don´t have one :frowning: ), either 4on4 or what is always better 6on6!

Those who post first, will be taken. I think we will need about 5 players more…

All you need:

  • promod of course
  • mumble (you can even play without voice, but that is really low)
  • at least brainskill low

This Sunday 16.05.10!!! Qry me on IRC #etqw.gather @ Quakenet (cmiyc`Rex) or add me ingame: Ali100

(AnthonyDa) #2

Repost ? Spam?

(Kl3ppy) #3

Rex, is ur mind so slow that u dont realize that there is no way to get anyone for a scrim?
Just give up.

(Rex) #4

[QUOTE=Chance.;226489]Rex, is ur mind so slow that u dont realize that there is no way to get anyone for a scrim?
Just give up.[/QUOTE]

Go back to BattleFail please.

(Kl3ppy) #5

Why should i go back to a game that i dont play anymore?