Merc role-call: Thunder

(MilkyBear) #41

Can’t wait for his full Adidas skin. lololol

(gg2ez) #42

[center]Russian hype gif for Russian merc.[/center]

(XavienX) #43

[quote=“ValkyrieHunter32;113560”]When Thunder goes on rotation, the horror…

Jev’s the best daddy. @ValkyrieHunter32

(Tanker_Ray) #44

What took you guys so long???

I hunger for battle!!! Deploy me quick!!!

I loved additional 5 rounds for MK.46(How about just give him 100/100?), but slightly disappointed with 160hp…

Unlike Fragger and Nader, Concussion Grenade force you to get inside enemy’s defence, I am worried about his tankyness. His BANG has no damage and doesn’t clear out defence system like other Assault’s explosives.

BUT, I am just so happy that he is FINALLY coming out!!!

My thirst is at the end!!!

p.s. Also hope Timik’s characteristic change AGAIN. If Thunder is out and Timik still gets that damn recoil buff, you guys are real nuts. Please distinguish the gun compared to M4!

(Shinywindow) #45

Will there be an option to tone down the flash bang for light sensitive players like myself? I don’t have Fletcher aviators to block them out

(KattiValk) #46

Whoever was playing Thunder in the role call really loves staring at his own grenades. :lol:

(tominatorx) #47

Oh god now I’m going to get murdered even more when I try to revive teammates! :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like a nice merc but I already have Nader and I rather spent (personally) credits in mercs with engineer skills or medics.

(Drcipres) #48

[quote=“tominatorx;113700”]Oh god now I’m going to get murdered even more when I try to revive teammates! :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like a nice merc but I already have Nader and I rather spent (personally) credits in mercs with engineer skills or medics. [/quote]

You dont consider fragger like a god tier ?

(tominatorx) #49

[quote=“Drcipres;113817”][quote=“tominatorx;113700”]Oh god now I’m going to get murdered even more when I try to revive teammates! :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like a nice merc but I already have Nader and I rather spent (personally) credits in mercs with engineer skills or medics. [/quote]

You dont consider fragger like a god tier ?[/quote]

I do. More assault mercs means more heavy stopping power that’s what I was referring to.

And I have considered buying him although Stoker looks also pretty nice for crowd control. All in all I’m happy with Nader at the moment so it’s not that urgent for me to get Fragger or Stoker. :slight_smile:

(Potato_Ladder) #50

Well we all are about to get

(watsyurdeal) #51


Actually it’s more like

(sneak) #52

What I see:

  1. Another way to destroy the already easily destroyed turret.
  2. Turret that already may not even lock on fast enough is being changed to lock on even slower.
  3. Another “Rhino-like” merc for the worst of the worst players. Rhino still not being nerfed yet things like proxy mines and turrets are. Very odd.

I imagine it’s going to be pretty frustrating fighting a character that is very similar to Rhino in health and firepower who can also blind you.

(Faraleth) #53

[quote=“sneak;113998”]What I see:

  1. Another way to destroy the already easily destroyed turret.
  2. Turret that already may not even lock on fast enough is being changed to lock on even slower.
  3. Another “Rhino-like” merc for the worst of the worst players. Rhino still not being nerfed yet things like proxy mines and turrets are. Very odd.

I imagine it’s going to be pretty frustrating fighting a character that is very similar to Rhino in health and firepower who can also blind you.[/quote]

@sneak You met Fragger? XD

(sneak) #54

[quote=“Faraleth;114000”][quote=“sneak;113998”]What I see:

  1. Another way to destroy the already easily destroyed turret.
  2. Turret that already may not even lock on fast enough is being changed to lock on even slower.
  3. Another “Rhino-like” merc for the worst of the worst players. Rhino still not being nerfed yet things like proxy mines and turrets are. Very odd.

I imagine it’s going to be pretty frustrating fighting a character that is very similar to Rhino in health and firepower who can also blind you.[/quote]

@sneak You met Fragger? XD[/quote]

Yeah, I find him a little bit tanky but he’s not got such firepower that he’s nearly impossible to solo, like Rhino =<. I don’t like playing him, personally but I see the struggle of fighting against him with various characters so far. When it comes to Rhino, yeah I’ve killed alot of them but sometimes it’s just ridiculous what they get away with.

(SereneFlight) #55

Well… guess who needs to go buy more aspirin tomorrow…

(overjoyedMelee) #56

He is really cool. But I feel he is a bit too strong. I haven’t played him myself, but while playing against he seem to have a very short cooldown on his bang-thingy.

(Lugi) #57


Actually it’s more like

I listened to this with my db open. I had only a few mercs unlocked. Now i have them all!!

(Fonzie) #58

I’m a bit scared if Red Eye, Nader and Thunder would join together in rotation, please, please, please no! LOL
ps. I think that both Smoke grenade and stun grenade have to be corrected: i would have the pleasure to see the team with Red Eye or Thunder not to be limited by the abilities of these two guys, Nader’s grenades don’t affect team as well as Fragger’s and Fletcher’s…

(Lugi) #59

I get it why smoke grenade affects yout team, since Red Eye can spot the enemy through the smoke and potentiallly help the team in some situations, but the stun grenade just blind your allies. That’s it. Even on ridiculous distances if you happen to be looking on the direction that it was thrown you will be blinded. It disrupts your team as well as the enemy, just on a lower scale.

(SnakekillerX) #60

I’m really loving Thunder. He’s made it onto my regular rotation now.
The LMG is just so fun to play with that I often forget I actually have a Concussion Grenade as well.

Here is a recent video I did of him… took me 6 minutes to use my Concussion Grenade as I had totally forgotten about it until then.

Fun kill streak at 8:40 as well if people feel like watching.