Hey guys thanks for all the encouragment and kind comments!
I want to address the “low detail” comment though. First i need to mention how our pipeline works.
Here would be an example for workflow:
Have the 3d modeler block out the model
Apply a “noisy” texture (making it easy to see the resolution of different points in the UV.) It should also be mentioned that when you put the texture into the game you need to make sure that it take up the same amount of space you expect it to. It really isn’t important if its boring or you simply do a copy paste job from another texture as long as it is a unique and fully setup with a material script and all maps associated (diffuse/normal/specular and any others you may want.) this way you can tell if everything is going to fit properly into the memory spec you are aiming for.
Implement the rough model in so that it work in the game with correct number of animations.
Review functionality, for example, is the screens big enough? Are they in the right place? Are they even going to be used? Have we used high enough resolution where the player’s attention will be focused?
Have the 3d modeler make the required changes and review functionality again. You could take a screenshot in game and send it back to the concept artist to paint over.
OPTIONAL(Though it’s a REALLY good idea): the final stage below could be delayed until all assets have reached the functional but ugly block out stage.
Send all models back to the 3d modeler to remake the models with the new and hopefully finalized and perfect design.
Finally finalize the textures adding the level of detail required for ingame.
The sooner the assets are inputted into the game the sooner you can check to see if you design is working and you refocus priorities in order to get the most important stuff done!
The problems you might otherwise face will be:
- And inefficient game asset. Textures and polygons may be placed where the player will never see them and the details won’t be focused in more important areas.
- A game asset that doesn’t fit the concept and design requirement
- A waste of time for the team members who the get bored and leave as they have to remake the model several times
- A large amount of time spent where the game is unplayable because there are no placeholder assets for game play to be tested, and as well all know if a mod or game is pretty it will be played for a week, if its fun it will be played for a year.
This workflow model also means that you could create a large number of placeholder type assets and decide which needs the most focus to make the mod playable. For example you might decide that some models/assets don’t actually add much to the game play or “fun” factor and you could probably models from the first release of your mod.
Anyways now that i answered that and my fingers are sore I have another extremly exciting update!
MWLL Just entered into a partnership with http://www.clanwarz.com and they are fully sponsoring the mod!
I truly hope activision or anyone with some sway over the ranked server files has a chance to check these guys out as they are fully prepared to host quake wars ranked servers worldwide with extremly high quality customer service!
I don’t mean to advertise for them but i truly hope that ID/SD/Activision see’s the support that these guys are providing the modding community and hopefully their request for ranked server hosting will be accepted.
MWLL Lead Developer