Map where you go through slipgates twice?

(signofzeta) #1

Has anyone here made a map where you hack a slipgate, it leads somewhere, then do something to the slipgate, such as steal and transmit objective, where it contains data for new slipgate destination, use it on the same slipgate, and it causes the portal to switch from one area to another?

So to summarize, you go into slipgate. You do stuff in second area to change slipgate destination. You turn around, and you go back inside the same slipgate. Now you arrive in an area totally different from the first.

Has anyone ever thought of this?

Has anyone ever made a map that uses a slipgate, or portal of some sort?

(Violator) #2

The Oasis convo had a slipgate in I think. If you can’t redirect the destination, have two gates but show/hide them.

(taw_m0nsta) #3

Yeh the (buggy) Siwa Oasis. And you probably wont need to do an objective for it, since the Strogg already can use it Slipgate from. Siwa Oasis actually used 2 types of it, one like the slipgate (with animation), and one where strogg will spawn at the first objective (without animation).

(Violator) #4
