Making a moving platform

(Boktor) #1

I’ve been playing with the SDK and I’m trying to figure out how to get a simple square brush to move along a path. In Wolf:ET you would use a spline path iirc. I see there’s something called func_splinemover in ETQW, but I don’t know what to do with it. It doesn’t have anything under available keys and the wikis don’t have any info on it specifically.

(.Chris.) #2

Unfortunately you can’t, long story.

(Boktor) #3

Ah man I was afraid that was the case :frowning:

Still though, is there any info on this func_spline?

(.Chris.) #4

It’s not supported, just a left over, there was some long discussion on the old forums that explained it. Basically stuff like script movers simply don’t work in ET:QW people tried to get them working with limited success when playing on local host but the problem arises when you play online.